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Category: Malaya

The US role in pact with MILF

In the controversy surrounding the Memorandum of Agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, many are concerned about the undue interest of the United States as shown by the presence of Ambassador Kristie Kenney in Kuala Lumpur in the aborted signing of the MOA.

It must be mentioned that Kenny was not the only non-Filipino diplomat in KL for the MOA signing. Ambassador Sayed ElMasry, adviser to Organization of Islamic Conference secretary general and special envoy for peace process in Southern Philippines was there. So were the ambassadors of Australia and Japan to the Philippines.

Esperon should stay

I vehemently oppose the call of Senators Rodolfo Biazon and Mar Roxas and Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay for former Armed Forces Chief Hermogenes Esperon to resign as presidential adviser for the peace process.

Esperon should stay. He is doing the country a favor by fueling the people’s anger towards Arroyo’s illegitimate presidency. He may yet galvanize the people into action to end Arroyo’s illegitimate presidency, something that “Hello Garci”, NBN/ZTE and other scandals failed to do.

MILF told: Pull back in 24 hours or else.

14 barangays occupied by 800-man rebel band

by Raymond Africa

Interior Secretary Ronaldo Puno yesterday gave the Moro Islamic Liberation Front up to 10 a.m. today to vacate areas it has occupied in North Cotabato, on pain of an all-out offensive.

Puno said reports reaching his office showed some 800 MILF members under one Commander Umbrahato of the MILF’s 105th Base Command have taken over 14 barangays in five towns since July 1.

MILF: Pact a done deal after initialing

Update: Govt panel belies MILF claim

by Victor Reyes

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front considers the agreement on ancestral domain “a done deal” and expects the government to abide by its provisions despite its aborted signing yesterday, an MILF official said.

“The MILF leadership, which is the Central Committee of the MILF, has an official position. that the memorandum of agreement on the Bangsamoro Ancestral Domain has been signed,” said Ghadzali Jaafar, MILF vice chairman for political affairs.

8 lessons from Mandela

In the cover story of Time magazine’s July 21 issue, Nelson Mandela shared the lessons that he gained in his 90 years of extraordinary life.

An article by Richard Stengel, Time’s managing editor, who had collaborated with Mandela on the latter’s book, “Long Walk to Freedom,” listed the great man’s eight lessons of leadership.

What struck me was a paragraph in the sixth lesson about “the historical correlation between leadership and physicality.”

Naloko kayo ‘no?

Naloko Kayo ‘no?

That’s the after-Sona joke directed to those who applauded Gloria Arroyo when she announced that cost of text messages would now be 50 centavos per message.

Here’s Arroyo’s boast: “Texting is a way of life. I asked the telecoms to cut the cost of messages between networks. They responded. It is now down to 50 centavos.”

Nearing the tipping point?

While many heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the news that peace talks between Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front collapsed Friday, there were also those who were disappointed.

Many of those who are disappointed do not necessarily believe that the memorandum of agreement that Arroyo’s representatives will sign with MILF leaders will lead to peace in Mindanao. In fact, like those who oppose the proposed agreement, they believe that it is just a vehicle for Arroyo to push for charter change so that she can stay in power beyond 2010.

Be afraid

Last Sunday, a friend texted me to read the column of former Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban in the Inquirer, and “be afraid.”

Panganiban’s column is titled “Can Arroyo reign beyond 2010?”

His answer is “yes” and he thinks she will opt for constituent assembly aptly called Con-Ass. Under Con-Ass, the two branches of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives will convene jointly to amend the Constitution including a shift to a parliamentary system.