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More pictures from Brussels

Here are more pictures from Anna of the rally in Brussels during the visit of Gloria Arroyo:

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Published inGeneral


  1. I’m proud of you and your friends, Anna. You brought to the attention of the European community the hypocrisy of Arroyo.

    What has been the post-visit feedback, so far. Do you think Arroyo had an impact there? What’s their impression of her?

  2. Was Mike Arroyo with GMA in Brussels? My info is that, he broke away from the official party. He met with his cousin Benito “Bomboy” Araneta, Philcomsat director who is being summoned by the Senate (protector talaga of those who are evading the law) and a top official of the Development Bank of the Philippines in another city in Europe. They are expected today, Sept. 15, in Munich.

    What’s this? a clean-up operation?

  3. npongco npongco

    But where’s Anna in the pic?

  4. Anna wrote in her blog (

    Ms Inga Verheart and Mr Glorieux, two members of parliament in Belgium who attended and spoke at the rally, are examples of Europeans who care and cannot be duped by little yarn weavers like Gloria Macapagal. And there ARE many of them in the EU!

    These parliamentarians like many Europeans in the Brussels area, where 35% of the population is composed of EU and other foreign expats, believe that Gloria is weaving blarney yarn. Mr Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission president may have been polite to Gloria, she being a visitor but he wasn’t duped. People here know Gloria’s record abominable political record. It’s actually up to Filipinos to help those who are willing to help them so that the right doors in the EU will open and for the EU to see through Gloria’s woven stories of her enchanted asylum!

  5. Ellen:

    Sobra naman ang yabang nitong si Fatso as if he is really that powerful that he can order anyone to answer his beck and call.

    Frankly, all those documents he and his lawyer claim they got from the German banks are nothing when presented in a court of law where the rule of law is followed. The reason is obvious! The German bank’s document does not even prove nor disprove Allan Cayetano’s claim!

    You bet, there is now an attempt for a cleaning up, but we’ll see if he can try bossing even the Germans, who must still think they belong to a superior race to kowtow to someone from some island off the Pacific claiming to have A VERY RICH FUKIENESE GREAT GRANDFATHER!!!

    Sinong niloloko niya? The reason why these Fukienese in fact migrate elsewhere even at present is to find greener pasture, because a lot of them in fact live in cloistered communities with tenements filled up by relatives and a lot of mouths to feed!!!

    And we all know how the Pidals made their fortunes in Negros and Panay. They engaged in the number game called “jueteng”! See the history of the feud between the Lopezes and the Pidals! Tapos sasabihin mabait sila!!! Neknek niyang mayabang siya!

  6. Anna posted this in the previous entry:


    I’m posting here my kwentos which I also posted in Uniffors for Manuel B.

    Well, they’re really right off the bat kwentos but I have more:

    I met Brenda in Brussels.

    She’s gone a bit ga ga! Her teeth were yellow too. She looked as if she hadn’t taken a shower for some time.

    Talagang, she’s starting to sound like a screwball.

    We’re not discounting that what’s keeping her from going totally nuts is her legal training but even this, I’m afraid is becoming intermitent.

    I’m not kidding Uniffors – I believe she is in the first stages of Althzheimer’s disease.

    There’s a pic of her with Gloria but believe me, I saw and spoke to her close up. She was by her poor lonesome self most of the time and looking lost!

    The sad thing is she had bouts of incoherence!

    I saw and heard her saying “hello” to Amb C Ortega and they started on one liners. Then Brenda turned to my friend to say hello – she smiled and said, “can i do anything for you?”

    My companion said, “Just want to say hello Senator”.

    She asked her, “Why?” (I personally almost fell off my seat!)

    Amb C Ortega was still beside Brenda. Then Brenda turned to Ortega and asked her the same thing! I MEAN IT: “Can I do anything for you?” (She had just been speaking to Ortega 10 seconds ago and all of a sudden, she didn’t recognize her anymore!) Even Ortega looked a bit jolted and said in Tagalog, “No, wala ma’am…” and left Brenda by herself!

    I mean it – it was very strange! And you know what? She started looking for her purse. She started to panic and said, where is my purse????… she couldn’t find it (a black handbag) So security came and they scampered to look for it. They scoured the hotel lobby, restaurant – no dice!

    Half hour later, a PSG guy came and handed it to her and said, “M’aam naiwan yata ninyo kagabi sa koche!” He had found it in the car. She’d left it the night before (coz it was very early in the morning and the delegation hadn’t left for a meeting yet so the purse had been sitting in the car the whole night and she only found out that she didn’t have it with her at breakfast time!)

    uniffors said, on September 14th, 2006 at 8:29 pm

    Wow. Now we feel sorry for her. But not for Romulo who should have known better than to respong that way. Besides she would have forgotten she said it anyway pala. Hehe

    anna de brux said, on September 14th, 2006 at 9:11 pm

    And then, Romulo is also one strange person.

    I mean, he’s sweet, gentle and all pero, gosh, the guy is already ulyanin!

    Uniffors, ano ba naman iyan? He’s saying n’importequoi!”

    My friend (a European) said afterwards, “I had no clue what he was trying to get at….” Your venerable secretary, my dear uniffors was mixing up dates and places, events and was doing a tit-for-tat over something else, meaning to say, he was chatting about something else that was not the point of discussion.

    I was just absolutely GOBSMACKED!

    The only guy who had his head on his shoulders it seems, was a guy who looked like a shark and was introduced as Congressman Suarez. The guy looked like he was in the wrong business… I mean the guy was obviously on the Gloria bandwagon to do business with Europeans! Halata talaga! hahah!

    I never met Suarez in my whole life but boy, he was too obvious. I mean, he was making bida about how, what he can do to help Europeans in Manila if they wanted to do business – hahahah!

    One European came to me and said, is he a broker or an agent? I said, I don’t think so, coz he’s a member of Congress or at least, that’s how he was introduced to our group! Heheheh!

  7. Jun Jun

    Nakakahiya. Nilangaw ang propagandang rally na yan. Mga 15 lang yata ang sumama, samantalang daan-daang Filipino ang nandyan. Talagang walang naniniwala sa mga propagandang kasinungalingan ninyo. Dapat yan di nyo na dinisplay nahalata tuloy na kayo-kayo lang. Lipad na kayo sa susunod na pupuntahan ni GMA para doon naman kayo magkalat. sinong nagbibigay ng pondo ninyo sa mga rally?

  8. Anna:

    Brenda’s insomnia since the death of her son must have wreck havoc on her brains that I believe is actually just in her mouth!!!

    Do I feel sorry for this woman? No way. She deserves what she gets!

  9. Thanks a lot, Ellen.

    But Fatso is in London already, isn’t he? He and Moral Bansot flew to London together from Brussels.

    I’ll ask my journalist friend whether he was at the mass organized for Mrs Fatso in Brussels. (Although I received a late invite to attend the mass in “honor” of Mrs Fatso, I didn’t go coz “praying” side by side for and with Moral Bansot in the house of God would’ve been absolute, blatant hypocrisy.) If Mr Fatso wasn’t at that mass for his beloved Moral Bansot, then the story that he broke away to go to Munich for “clean-up operation” of sorts must be true. Will get back to you.

    One thing for sure, we didn’t see him at the hotel or anywhere in the vicinity.

  10. One thing is clear Ellen: Moral Bansot’s visit here made no impact in the sense that there were hardly any write up about it in the local press.

    The Vietnamese Premier’s visit made more impact than that of Moral Bansot’s tour here. This may be due to the fact that she’s not even worth the ink that newpspapers need to print her name.

    Of course, Mrs Fatso’s name is on the EU blotter (well, not on the police blotter… yet) because of the meeting with Barroso but to be perfectly frank, I have a suspicion that the visitors’ registry will contain a red dot mark beside Moral Bansot’s name to signify that she’s up for digital fingerprinting and photo op soon. (Heh heh!)

  11. Anna,

    You mean to say
    si Brenda…TULALA in BRUSSELS?

    Sumama pa! Nagkakalat naman!

    But I am amused by your kuwento….
    I never thought ganyan na kalala si Brenda!
    Ito namang si gloria, dinisplay pa!
    Baka akalain ng mga taga-Europe, mga buwang ang mga Noy-Pi!



  12. nelbar nelbar

    From ABC News Online:

    Leahy’s Philippines visit ‘routine’
    Last Update: Friday, September 15, 2006. 6:33pm (AEST) 

    The Defence Department has confirmed the Chief of the Australian Army, Lieutenant General Peter Leahy, has flown to the Philippines for a “routine visit”.

    A spokesman says Lt Gen Leahy has been briefed on issues of regional interest, including the Filipino military’s campaign against extremist groups in the south of the country.

    He has presented International Force East Timor (INTERFET) medals to personnel to recognise their assistance in the international peacekeeping task force.

    Lt Gen Leahy has also held discussions on the Army watercraft project which will see Australia provide up to 30 boats to help the Filipino Army better patrol areas in the south.

    It was yesterday reported that Lt Gen Leahy was in the Philippines for a briefing on the hunt for Jemaah Islamiah fugitives holed up on the island of Mindanao.
    * * * * * * *


    Australia: Army chief’s RP visit not over Bali bombers

    Agence France-Presse
    Last updated 05:02pm (Mla time) 09/15/2006

    SYDNEY — Australia’s defense ministry on Friday denied its army chief was on a secret visit to the southern Philippines this week to be briefed on a hunt for two suspects in the 2002 Bali bombings that left 200 people dead.

    Contradicting Filipino military officials, Canberra’s Defense Department said Lieutenant General Peter Leahy’s trip to the Philippines was instead part of scheduled exchange of visits.

    “The chief of the army is visiting the Philippines on a counterpart visit with the Philippine Army, that is all,” a Defense Department spokesman told Agence France-Presse, declining however to offer any details of Leahy’s movements.

    The denial came after Philippine military officials said Leahy flew Thursday to Zamboanga on the southern island of Mindanao where he was updated on the hunt for two fugitive members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) extremist group.

    The pair, Umar Patek and Dulmatin, is wanted for their involvement in the 2002 bombings on the popular Indonesian resort island of Bali in which 88 Australians were among the dead.

    According the to Philippines military, Leahy was told that Filipino troops, backed up by US intelligence, had the militants surrounded in dense jungle on the nearby island of Jolo but is meeting strong resistance.

    Regional military chief Major General Eugenio Cedo told Leahy that the JI militants were being sheltered by Abu Sayyaf, a local Muslim extremist group, in the jungle, the Philippine military said.

    “Australia is concerned about the hunt for the two JI terrorists,” said military spokesman Major Eugene Batara, adding that the country had offered to train Philippine special forces and help establish “riverine” units which were used during the Vietnam War to patrol waterways.

    Philippine Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz said last March that Australia would donate 30 river boats to help hunt down JI suspects in the Mindanao marshways.

    Australia’s special forces commander Major-General Mike Hindmarsh visited Zamboanga last October but refused to speak to the press during his trip.

  13. Toney Cuevas Toney Cuevas


    You just don’t get it! What you saw in the pictures are your kababayans abroad, on the streets protesting against the authoritarian regime of illegitimate Gloria, a peaceful Rally sanction by a foreign government. The Rally is about expressing the truth of who really illegitimate Gloria and of how she has conned and paid her loyalists with the taxpayers monies. Proofs are all recorded. All you’ve to do is to have an open mind.

    Once again, you missed to understand the freedom of expression as written in the constitution, and grievances against the undesirable tyrant regime of illegitimate Gloria Arroyo. Specifically, the rally is about the 748 political killings in the Philippines since day one when illegitimate Gloria stole the Presidency from legitimate President Joseph Estrada. And respond to your Pondo you’ve mentioned. I’d imagine the expenses for the rally were paid by each one of those you saw in the pictures with their own hard earned money that illegitimate Gloria would very much like to get her hands on it, the OFW’s remittances. Surely, the money didn’t come from fertilizer fund, Hello Garci, recovered Marcos stolen wealth, Pagcor, and/or Jose Pidal Accounts.

    Jun, it’s hard for you to understand the cries of many Pilipinos throughout the world unless you know the real problems facing the Pilipino nation. Obviously, you condone illegitimate Gloria Arroyo’s lying, cheating and stealing. Also the killing of 748 activists and journalists. One evening, in your moment alone, say a prayer for the 748 of your kababayans and their families. At least you can do to ease your pain.

  14. Toney Cuevas Toney Cuevas


    Thanks again for your update. Lets not elevate illegitimate Gloria Arroyo to “Moral Bansot”, yet lets denounce to the world of really who’s illegitimate tyrant Gloria, an “Immoral Bansot” without principles nor honor. A shameless disgraceful illegitimate head stolen regime. That’s who illegitimate Gloria Arroyo – Immoral.

  15. Taipan,

    Hahah! That’s the technical word! TULALA, talagang looking tulala.

    I’m serious, I felt sorry for her because my sis who used to be a fan of her during her student days used to say she was a crowd drawer, an excellent orator (I’ve never heard her “orating” though so can’t confirm) and that she was a ball of fire. I’ve also met her a couple of times in the past on social occasions and she was alert and a go-getter.

    But she’s changed a lot even in appearance. She looked unkempt. She was standing there, long time too and not saying anything (she was not even standing in the middle of the hotel lobby as “Hey, I’m Brenda! Look at me!” Not at all, she was just standing there, wearing a black suit that wasn’t even pretty and her hair was standing on end – didn’t even look like she’d brushed it.

    She was, in other words, looking kawawa.

  16. Ah, yeah! I think you’re right Toney coz there’s some kind of confusion when we call her moral bansot so I reckon we should heed your suggestion and call her the IMMORAL midget.

  17. People say that as people grow in years, most old people no longer care what they wear nor how they look….
    More so if they suffer from dementia, and so many “hallucinations” that come a-visiting.
    This sounds true in brenda’s case.

    WHY in the world did she ever join the bandwagon of TRAPOs who ran for office IF she is IN that miserable state?
    Next election, I hope they change the requirements for candidates: Kailangan oF SOUND MIND and BODY.

    Tulala and Kawawa in Brussels= this must be the title of the next dokyu on miriam!

    As for the IMMORAL midget, I couldn’t agree more!
    Let her immorality and mediocrity, plus her ‘smallness’ haunt her forever.


  18. Mrivera Mrivera

    yung surot ispreyan n’yo na para matigil nang kasisingit kahit walang pumapansin.

  19. Hahahah!

    “yung surot ispreyan n’yo na para matigil nang kasisingit kahit walang pumapansin.”

  20. artsee artsee

    Nasaan naman ang mga litrato sa Japan? Ano na ang nangyari noon sa Death Anniversary celebration ni Ninoy noon? Puro balita at bida dito sa blog tapos biglang tahimik na lang. Puro Japan na lang ng Japan pero ni isang litratong naka-Kimono wala tayong makita.

  21. Mrivera:

    You bet, ikaw na rin ang nagsabi, iisa iyang surot na iyan na maraming pangalan. Nag-aaway pa minsan sa sarili. Pero kwidaw ka. Sa totoo lang, marami iyan on government payroll pa! Nangunguna iyong anak na maraming aliases. Yup, lahing intsik pa, which she is if we believe the father who says he is!

    Kung sabagay, madali naman mahuli dahil nadudulas! Ang masama nga lang ay ang ginagawang pagha-hack ng blog na ito para iyong mga tao, lalo na iyong hindi sanay, maiinis na mag-blog dito kundi naman ay para iyong mga matindi ang galit kay Tsunano ay hindi maka-blog. Ang sagwa talaga ng mga ugali!

  22. nelbar nelbar

    Swedish opposition ousts government
    By KARL RITTER, Associated Press Writer
    1 hour, 10 minutes ago


    STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A center-right opposition vowing to streamline Sweden’s famed welfare state ousted the Social Democratic government in a close parliamentary election Sunday, ending 12 years of leftist rule in the Nordic nation.

    Prime Minister Goran Persson, who had governed for 10 years, conceded defeat and said his Cabinet would resign after the Social Democratic Party’s worst election result in decades.

    With 99.7 percent of districts counted, the four-party opposition alliance led by Fredrik Reinfeldt had 48.1 percent of the votes, compared with 46.2 percent for the Social Democrats and their two supporting parties.

    “It was team work that helped us win,” Reinfeldt said in a victory speech to jubilant supporters in downtown Stockholm.

    Persson said Sweden’s social model — a market economy blended with a high-tax welfare state — was at stake in the election. But the opposition led by Reinfeldt’s Moderate Party insisted it would not dismantle the system but help it survive by promoting jobs over welfare handouts.

    The results showed the Moderates with 26.1 percent, a strong gain from 2002 when it won only 15 percent of the vote. After taking over the party leadership in 2003, Reinfeldt, 41, steered the party toward the center by toning down its conservative polices.

    “We dared to challenge ourselves, we dared to admit our faults,” Reinfeldt said. “That renewal has not just begun, it will continue into the future.”

    Final official results were expected Wednesday, but were unlikely to change the outcome.

    The Social Democrats had only 35.3 percent, which if confirmed would be the party’s worst showing in parliamentary elections since 1914.

    Persson said his government would resign as Reinfeldt’s government takes office when Parliament reconvenes next month.

    In conceding defeat, Persson, 57, said his Cabinet would resign as Reinfeldt’s coalition takes office when the 349-seat Riksdag reconvenes next month.

    Persson, the second longest-serving among the European Union’s current government leaders after Luxembourg’s Jean-Claude Juncker, said he would also step down as party leader in March.

    “We have lost the election, but we are not a defeated party,” he said.

    Sweden is enjoying strong economic growth — 5 percent on an annual basis in the second quarter compared with the EU average of 2.8 percent. But that did not give Persson’s government the boost it expected.

    Reinfeldt accused the government of failing to translate the growth into more jobs and claimed the official statistics showing 5.7 percent unemployment are misleading. If you add people on sickness or disability leave or government job-training programs, the figure is higher than 20 percent, he said.

    Reinfeldt is set to lead a majority coalition government of Moderates, Christian Democrats, the Center Party and the Liberal Party. Each of the three parties won between 6 percent and 8 percent of the vote.

    Sweden’s election authority said 80.4 percent of the 6.8 million voters turned out in the election, 1.3 percent more than in 2002.

    Some voters said they had grown weary of the Social Democratic government, which replaced a center-right coalition in 1994.

    “Twelve years is at least eight years too many,” said Mats Hedberg, 61, a retired journalist who voted for the Moderates. “He is tired, Persson.”

    The Social Democrats’ sidekicks in the Riksdag, the Left and Green parties, won 5.8 percent and 5.2 percent respectively.

    Smaller parties such as the Feminist Initiative or the far-right Sweden Democrats failed to reach the 4 percent threshold needed to enter parliament.



    Associated Press Writers Katarina Kratovac and Mattias Karen contributed to this report.

    Copyright © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


    Copyright © 2006 Yahoo! Inc.

    * * * * *

    Ano kaya ang opinyon ni norpil dito? Update lang from Yahoo!® news


  23. soleil soleil

    mrivera, yuko…hayaan nyo na ang i mentioned before..pests will always be pests…they are like weeds, no matter how much you pull them out they will sprout kahit na saang singit ay sisingit! we will waste our time and energy kung papatulan natin..if he/she wants to give his/her two cents bahala sya and we will always catch the fish by its mouth hehehe parang si fatguy…i bet he paid his way to pass the bar obvious theres nothing inside this guys brain…i wonder if what kind of cases he has handled(if ever he handled one!!!)…
    meanwhile we pray that we all be enlightened to find a way to follow the footsteps of the movement in Brussels with Anna or the thoughts of thse in SFO frm blogger jaime, or the advocacy in Japan of yuko…they are far but their hearts and mind are for justice and fairness..lets pray that we be blessed with more Ellen-like guts so that the flame of REAL ESSENCE and MEANING of good governance and service to the people will not be just like a broken record na gasgas na gasgas na having no meaning at all when coming out from the mouth of the bogus-administration.

  24. Thanks for the encouraging words, Soleil!

    I like your name! I’m a sunworshipper – heheheh!

  25. norpil norpil

    npongco is very hot on seeing anna in pictures. i also expected in a way and wanted to but she must be in her shining armor just like joan of arc.otherwise i might be disappointed.compared to me and some in this blog she is really doing something and not just bla bla.

  26. norpil,

    Ang bait mo naman sa akin! Jeanne d’Arc? Baka matunaw ako!

    Besides, St Joan of Arc is Mr Jean Marie Le Pen’s mascot – you know the extrem right wing leader of white supremacist racists and xenophobes!

  27. norpil norpil

    no harm meant anna.your name just reminds me.she was not a saint before.was it not that she was burned by the same church that made her a saint? i don’t think she approved herself the appointment from le pen, sorry but i did not know this.

  28. Heheh! I know Norpil! Was a tongue in cheek comment of mine there.

    No, I don’t believe St Joan of Arc (who was cannonized almost 4 centuries after her murder by the same Church she served) would have approved of Le Pen using her name in vain.

  29. npongco npongco

    Norpil, you stated that Anna is doing something unlike others who just bla bla. Who are these others or other? Her favorite chit chat here?

  30. Toney Cuevas Toney Cuevas

    I’m not hot as npongco but as out of curiousity I would like to see Anna’s picture in this blog. Anna can you make it happen? Pretty please with fresh strawberry on top. As they say, ” One picture is worth a thousand words”. I would like to see the help of our honorable host Ellen if she can persuade Anna to send her picture(s) so Ellen can post them in this blog. I think every member of this blog would agree – I believe.

  31. Hahahahah!

    Toney, so sweet of you but ain’t strawberry season no more in this part of the world!

  32. Toney Cuevas Toney Cuevas

    Anna – I’m glad to read of your wonderful sense of humor. Little laugh doesn’t hurt. Strawbery is always in season especially Strawbery ice cream, my weakness.

  33. norpil norpil

    npongco, i think you are very sharp but i donot want to provoke others for nothing.i was actually thinking of myself but i like to take others with me in this self degradation.

  34. nelbar nelbar

    one of the Most Viewed World News in Yahoo!®


    Hungary protestors break into state TV building
    2 hours, 23 minutes ago


    BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Anti-government protestors broke into Hungary’s state television building on Tuesday after a demonstration denouncing Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany as a liar.

    “They are breaking vending machines … they are not moving to the studios,” said a Reuters correspondent in the building who said riot police were standing by but had not intervened to stop the occupation.

    * * * * * * *

    Hungarian anti-PM protests turn violent


    By Balazs Koranyi and Sandor Peto
    35 minutes ago


    BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian protesters clashed with police and attacked and occupied the state television building to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany in the first such violence of the post-communist era.

    Police said around 50 people were injured in the protests on Monday evening, which were sparked by a tape leaked to local media on Sunday in which Gyurcsany admitted he and his Socialist party had lied about the budget to win April’s election.

    The protestors initially set the television building on fire although fire engines put it out before protestors entered. They also attacked a memorial to Russian soldiers who liberated Budapest from the Nazis in 1945 which has been a sore for some right wing Hungarians since communist rule ended in 1989.

    At least some of the protestors, who gathered in a crowd of 10,000 people outside parliament earlier in the evening, were from fringe right-wing parties, Reuters correspondents said. Police used water cannon to attempt to disperse the crowds.

    One of the protestors outside the television station building said that they wanted a broadcast to show how the prime minister had lied and called for new elections.

    “We want those so that finally Hungarians and not foreign capital rule Hungary,” said Laszlo Toroczkai, president of the far-right group 64 Counties, who was outside the building.

    Some Protestors shouted “56” in memory of Hungary’s failed uprising against Soviet rule in 1956.

    A Reuters correspondent inside the television station said that demonstrators were breaking into vending machines but not moving to the studios.

    A riot policeman, also inside the building, who declined to give his name, said it was the worst civil disturbance in Hungary since 1984 when Cuban workers rioted.

    Around 100 protestors were inside the television building with more than 1,000 gathered outside, the Reuters correspondent said.

    The protests were triggered by a tape in which the prime minister admitted he and the Socialist Party had “lied in the morning and in the evening” over the four years of its rule from 2002-2006 and had achieved nothing but winning April’s election.

    The government won power by promising tax cuts, but has since announced $4.6 billion of tax rises and benefit cuts, causing a plunge in its popularity to 25 percent from around 40 percent at April’s election.

    While the Socialist Party stood firmly behind Gyurcsany and pledged to implement his program of deficit cuts, the opposition called on the prime minister to resign and Hungary’s president said he had caused a “moral crisis.”

    The main right of center opposition said on Monday its MPs would boycott parliament on Tuesday, the day on which the government is due to present an audit of its first 100 days in office since it was re-elected in April.

    “We will not go, it is decided. How do we know they will tell the truth?” parliamentary faction leader Tibor Navraciscs said.

    The first poll on the issue found Hungarians divided.

    Forty seven percent said the prime minister should stay and 43 percent thought he should resign, Szonda Ipsos’s snap poll of 500 people on Monday found.

    President Laszlo Solyom said on Monday that Gyurcsany had endangered Hungary’s democracy and said he expected the prime minister to admit that.

    The prime minister however blamed the Hungarian opposition for inciting violence.

    “Responsibility also lies with those who in the past few weeks have said that the current situation calls for a radical solution,” Gyurcsany told private TV2 station on Tuesday.

    Copyright © 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.


    * * * * * * * * * *

    update lang

  35. npongco npongco

    Norpil, I was not sharp. Everyone knew who you were referring to but were afraid to comment. If there were untouchables in Malacanang, we sure have at least one here.

  36. soleil soleil

    ur welcome Anna..i used to be a sunworshipper too hehehe bt i burn easily so, i dont leave home without a sunblock 🙂 anyway, the fight must go on, even in words and in deed…silence might also mean a thousand words..the words of Oust GMA!!!!..

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