PINKY WEBB: Senator Antonio Trillanes refuses to sign the Senate Committee Report on the Mamasapano. He joins us here in the studio to tell us why. And we will also talk to him about his plans for 2016. Senator, good morning!
WEBB: Alright. The Mamasapano Report gathered 20 signatures from your fellow Senators with reservations, half of them with reservations. There are four who didn’t sign, yourself, Senate President Franklin Drilon, Senator Enrile and Senator Lito Lapid. You were quoted saying that the Senate report was lacking.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Yes.
SAFT: It lacked the crucial information particularly the revelations made during the Executive Session and I believe that information would shed light on what really happened on that unfaithful day.
WEBB: The executive sessions. There were the five of them, Sir. Did you attend all five?
SAFT: Yes, I attended all the five, but the past few days since I wasn’t able to secure the consent of the majority to reveal the contents or the revelations during these Executive Sessions, I talked to the resource persons themselves directly, therefore, I’m now authorized to talk about it.
WEBB: Let’s talk about it, Sir.
SAFT: Okay.
WEBB: What was not discussed there?
SAFT: The role of the 300 other SAF members, SAF troopers that were deployed in Mamasapano. Questions start with what they did during the calls for help of their comrades. Because before you start pointing your fingers to other units, like the Army or even the President for blame or for not responding, that person should be asked first. What did you do to or did you attempt to rescue your comrades? Well according to the resource persons, they did not.
WEBB: They did not what?
SAFT: They did not respond at all. They were just lying there. Nagre-relax, nakahiga.
WEBB: Senator, wait. These resource people that you spoke to are the members of the SAF.
SAFT: Members of the Armed Forces.
WEBB: The Armed Forces not the SAF. Okay.
SAFT: But they saw for themselves kung ano yung ginawa nung mga SAF troopers. Remember, na-engage yung 55th Special Action Company (SAC) around 6:30am.
WEBB: Nakuha na nila si Marwan. Marwan was dead already at this time.
SAFT: Yes. Around that time, the 55th SAC wasn’t engaged heavily yet. And the 120 blocking forces, the other two companies who were supposed to go to their objectives, didn’t do anywhere near the 55th SAC when they had the chance.
WEBB: So let’s clarify that, Sir. There’s the 84th and the 55th, sino ulit yung unang pumasok sa territory? Was it the 84th?
SAFT: The 84th.
WEBB: Ang blocking force yung 55th?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: The 84th was already there and nakikipag-laban na yung blocking force ng 55th. Sabi mo meron pang 100?
SAFT: 120.
WEBB: 120.
SAFT: Mga around 120 SAF troopers who were supposed to be blocking forces also, but at different way points. So these were supposed to go to their objectives but they were not anywhere near their objectives, and they were reporting to the tactical command post of General Napenas that they were engaged in or they were met by heavy volume of fire. But it was not true because they were so far away from the action.
WEBB: So, you were saying that the 120 SAF, the next blocking force after the 55th, did not enter the territory and they lied, and they said that they are under heavy fire when they didn’t close the area, Sir?
WEBB: I hope you don’t mind me saying this, Sir. How sure are you that these Army personnel that you spoke to were actually telling you the truth?
SAFT: Well, yun ang sinabi nila sa Executive Sessions, and we don’t have any reason to distrust them, yun yung revelations. Ngayon, an estimate of the total enemy forces engaged, that engaged the 55th SAC, was around 100 to 120, 100 to 150. Kung nakadikit itong 120 na ito, patas sila, maganda na yung laban. And during the early hours of the encounter they had the chance. Hindi pa napipintakasi. I believe yun yung crucial information dito na hindi nailabas. And later on, may mga ibang evidence na lalabas na yung mga walang sense of urgency, nanduduon lang sa sagingan, yung ibang troopers nasa kalye, by the road. Yung 120, 500 meters from the road side lang sila nakapasok. And nung nag puputukan, they were around 800 to 900 meters away. So, they had all the opportunity to get close to the engaged comrades, their fellow SAF troopers.
WEBB: You heard these in the Executive Session?
SAFT: Yes and I heard it again when I asked these when I spoke to the resource persons.
WEBB: Why did you want to speak to them again?
SAFT: Because I can’t reveal the contents of the Executive Session, all the information we got from the executive sessions, unless I had the consent of the majority, majority consent to its release. But since I wasn’t able to secure that,
WEBB: You spoke to them personally.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: So, you can tell us what happened during the Executive Session.
SAFT: Yes, particularly those testimonies.
WEBB: Sir, the 120, that the resource person who how many resource person you are speaking to. Hindi yung sa executive session.
SAFT: All in all, it’s around 5.
WEBB: Lima. Anong oras daw sila dumating dun sa 120 SAF force na ang sinasabi nilang ayaw gumalaw?
SAFT: Around 10am.
WEBB: So, heavy fire, marami pa siguradong buhay at that time.
SAFT: Yes, and the volume of fire was not directed to them at all. So, one of the Army resource persons said that the volume of fire was not heavy, at least based on how they were hearing it from their position. And they could have maneuvred in, they could have advance maneuvred to the left just to get near the 55th.
WEBB: The 55th.
SAFT: And they could have drawn fire and relieved the SAF troopers of the pressure, because the fire would be diverted. There would be suppresive fire or if not they could really out maneuvre them. That’s the testimony of the Army officers. I had to say this; I have to reveal this because I think they are pointing their fingers into so many directions. The thing is we need to focus closely on what really happened.
WEBB: But did you know why the 120 did not want to move in, Sir? What did the Army say?
SAFT: They could speculate, but according to General Napenas, he was directing these people to move in and they were responding that,
WEBB: There were heavy fire and say they couldn’t.
SAFT: So they couldn’t, but when the Army linked-up with them, precisely to reinforce the 55th SAC, they were not engaged at all. And they didn’t even attempt to go anywhere near the 55th.
WEBB: Plain and simple, Sir. What you were saying is that, if I may paraphrase it, the 120 that is supposedly reinforcement to the 55th SAC lied to General Napenas, para hindi po sila makapasok. Is that what you are saying?
SAFT: I’m not going to be that direct, but those are the facts. General Napeñas said he directed his people to engage and they reported back to him that they are met with heavy volume of fire so they couldn’t go anywhere near. But the Army reinforcement, when they linked up with them precisely to reinforce, they wouldn’t want to move. Ang sabi is ‘hindi kami papasok diyan, di namin alam yung terrain diyan. Maraming putukan diyan,’ ganon ang sabi ng SAF officer sa kanila.
WEBB: Would it be possible that maybe there was another group of SAF troopers na inuutusan ni General Napeñas na tulungan yung 55thSAF. Could it be possible that there was another group?
SAFT: Wala. No, it’s not possible.
WEBB: Yung 120, yun lang?
SAFT: Yes, it’s in the plan, the 45th and the 42nd. So those are very crucial information. I would like to believe so because the Philippine Army, for example is being unjustly blamed for not reacting fast enough. But this is the thing, they have their own SAF trooper fellows there, just hundreds of meters away, and didn’t even respond.
WEBB: How far were those 120 SAF troopers from the 55th, Sir?
SAFT: Around 800 to 900 meters.
WEBB: So, less than a kilometre?
SAFT: Yes, but they were supposed to be closer in the first place because,
WEBB: Blocking force sila.
SAFT: Yes, blocking force. And their objectives are in fact go beyond the engagement area were the 55th SAF was found.
WEBB: So, Sir, what the army or what the resource persons are telling you is plain and simple, the 100 SAF troopers gave the wrong information to General Napeñas? Could you conclude that?
SAFT: I don’t know, probably. But the fact remains that when they were asked to engage, even by the army reinforcement, they wouldn’t want to move. They didn’t want to enter in that territory because as they said,
WEBB: Sabi nila, we don’t know the terrain.
SAFT: Didn’t know the terrain and masyadong malakas ang putukan.
WEBB: Okay. Just something that crossed my mind, Sir. Would it be possible that they didn’t want take orders from the Army, Sir? Dumating yung army doon, nakita yung 120 sabi ‘pasukin nyo na yan.’ Maybe, they didn’t want to take orders from them.
SAFT: ‘Papasukin natin’ kasi kasabay sila. Pero regardless, we’re trying to blame all these people why the reinforcement didn’t come, but meron naman. They’re just hundreds of meters away.
WEBB: Well, you know, some people quite frankly have been asking what happened to the rest of SAF troopers? As a matter of fact, way back, there was a report by Chiara Zambrano that there were SAF troopers supposedly on the road tapos nadaanan ng mga Army. That’s why you know, nagkaroon po ng sakitan ng loob, palitan ng accusations. Because of that information senator, who’s responsible for that?
WEBB: So, in a situation like that, where does the fault lie? Who’s to blame? Si General Napeñas, I mean you said that it’s possibly General Napeñas. But if it is true that the 120 gave General Napeñas wrong information, that being met with heavy fire, anong gagawin naman ni General Napeñas? Just like the President, saying he was being fed wrong information by General Napeñas. I mean, how do you reconcile that?
SAFT: Well, at the very least, General Espina right now, as the Chief PNP, should investigate the matter. Because sa Armed Forces, we have the Articles of War. Worse, it costs so much controversy and, national anger and pain, when we could actually have prevented it. Ang information is 100 to 150 MILF and other enemy forces engaged.
WEBB: Total sir?
SAFT: Yes, the 55th. And you have 120 here, who didn’t even but were supposed to be, they could have gotten as close to less than a hundred meters, based on the testimonies.
WEBB: So, ganon pala iyon. They should have been at least a hundred meters away from the 55th.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: If that is true, I’m not saying it isn’t, let me ask you this, why was that not included in the Senate Report when it seems to you that it is a very crucial point that needs to be understood by everyone or at least, discovered and found out by everyone? What’s so confidential about that?
SAFT: Nothing. But I think, like what I said, the writers of this Committee Report were so conscious of the public media opinion that glorified the SAF. They glossed over it.
WEBB: So sinadiya? You’re saying?
SAFT: No, not really. Subconsciously, they wanted to align their Committee Report with that of public opinion. They didn’t want to.
WEBB: They chose to turn a blind eye on that revelations, particular revelations?
SAFT: Not really choosing to turn a blind eye, but they glossed over it.
WEBB: Pinabayaan nalang?
SAFT: Probably. They wanted to present other things that would make people happy and the media people happy. But as I said, we’re not here for that. We’re not here to entertain everyone.
WEBB: But why did you say that that would be something the media people would be happy about? I mean we were just waiting for that report.
SAFT: Yes. But there’s already a clamour, the direction or agenda that the Senate report should and must include, and must focus, is on the liability and responsibility of the President.
WEBB: Okay. So, one point you raised with what we discussed is that do you see lacking information that shouldn’t have revealed in public in the report. So obviously, that’s a reservation on your part. Definitely, that’s why you didn’t sign it, kasi kulang. You called it lacking in information. Directly Sir, is the President at fault because of the Mamasapano incident? You know, let’s get a categorical answer because sometimes it gets very confusing with the BOI report. Sa inyo, was he at fault?
SAFT: Okay, we need to clarify and qualify that. With responsibility, there’s no debate about it and the President has already admitted or accepted full responsibility for the debacle in Mamasapano. But if we’re going to pinpoint accountability, we have to be more precise because we want to avoid this thing from ever happening in our country. So that’s how we should approach this investigation. This is not a political game. It’s going to be very convenient to pin the blame on the President right now, because he is quite popular. It’s very easy for politicians to just sign Committee Report because they perceive this to be the popular thing to do. But I believe it’s also our obligation to bring out the truth. And this is the truth. And nobody wanted to get anywhere near touching the SAF in this light, right? Because the SAF now has been glorified. Well in the case of those who perished, the SAF 44, its likely so. They deserve it and including the survivors. But those who were just lying around when their comrades were being massacred, I don’t think they deserve to be glorified.
WEBB: So, who’s to blame? Because, how I understand it Sir, there is a difference between someone being responsible and someone being accountable. The President is responsible, Sir, that’s what you’re saying. Is he accountable?
WEBB: Who is accountable?
SAFT: General Napeñas, he’s the overall commander. That’s how it is. In military operations, you get casualties but the results of your mission will dictate whether you deserve to hold command or not. In this particular case, there are so many flaws, even during the planning, even during the execution and based on the information I’ve been getting, it is a total breakdown of leadership a discipline. In fact, during the investigation, General Napeñas couldn’t even explain why the blocking forces, the other companies, left so much later. The jump-off time was supposed to be a couple of hours before.
WEBB: This is the 42nd and 45th?
SAFT: Including the 55th.
WEBB: Ah, okay.
SAFT: And the mission hinge, the success of the mission hinged on the cover of darkness.
WEBB: I know, Sir. I did hear about that, ang plano pala was to come in and finish the operation before sunrise.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: That was the plan.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: So, they got Marwan at five?
SAFT: Mga 4:30.
WEBB: 4:30 and then, obviously the fighting went on for a couple of hours. Some were saying that as commander, there should have been such a thing as ‘abort mission’. Let me ask you this, in terms of the plan, was it sufficient? The implementation, extrication, I mean give us your thoughts on that. Yung plano pa lang, Oplan Exodus itself.
SAFT: Yes. It’s even stated in the BOI and the Senate Committee report, it’s unanimous. The plan was flawed. There are so many ways you could have done it and be successful and have minimal casualties, but General Napeñas chose this. The execution was even worse. The jump-off time was delayed, that’s inexcusable for military AFP unit. If the jump off time is 22:00, you leave at 22:00. It’s not,
SAFT: It’s not a minute later. Then, there are other revelations there, to include that some of the Commanders of the Army were wined and dined by some PNP intelligence officers the night before just to make sure they won’t operate. So those are very,
WEBB: Who wined and dined?
SAFT: The commanders of the army.
SAFT: The Ground Commanders of the Army.
WEBB: Yes, para ano? Para makatulog sila, hindi sila makialam? Ganoon ba?
SAFT: Yes, to determine if they have a mission there or not.
WEBB: To determine. I mean they are being wined and dined para to keep them monitored?
SAFT: Yes, to ensure that,
WEBB: Hindi sila gumagalaw.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: I see. How many of them are wined and dined? And where were they wined and dined?
SAFT: Simpleng inuman lang iyon.
WEBB: Yes, I know what you mean, Sir. Para bang hinostage sila pero pina-inom at pinakain. Parang ganoon pero hindi nagmumukhang mino-monitor. When was this?
SAFT: It was a distraction, so it was done the night before.
WEBB: Prior to the jump-off?
SAFT: Yes, the night of the jump off.
WEBB: Oo nga, yes.
SAFT: So yun. Maraming ganoon.
WEBB: But when you say Army Commanders na you know… sige, tanggalin na natin yung wined and dined kasi iba yung…
SAFT: Hindi, they were invited na mag-happy hour, anyway it was a weekend o after office hours, so sige.
WEBB: Sino nag-imbita sa kanila, Sir?
SAFT: One of the intelligence officers from the PNP.
WEBB: One, not the one that’s already being mentioned.
SAFT: No. So, may mga ganoong information. Because of politics again, dinala nila tayo, umabot na tayo sa Malacañang, pero dapat dito tayo naka-focus. Kasi dito pa lang makikita na natin yung sagot dun sa tanong, who was responsible for the deaths of the SAF 44? Again, it’s around to a hundred to one hundred fifty MILF troops. They were three hundred. They could have outnumbered them if they just went it.
WEBB: At that particular time.
SAFT: So, ako I’m going to,
WEBB: What are you planning to do?
SAFT: I’m going to ask General Espina to investigate this matter dahil misleading. May wrong impression created because of the early media play that we totally glossed over. And right now, I believe I have to,
WEBB: But that would not be the fault of the media if the Senate glossed over this. This is ultimately the responsibility of the Senate, Sir, the Senators. Kayo yung nandoon sa Executive Session.
SAFT: Which is why I didn’t sign it, because we’re going to create that. This was the best opportunity for us to correct that wrong impression made early on, but they we’re fearing a possible backlash so why not just feed this to the gallery and let us be cheered on by the people.
WEBB: Senator, when this whole Mamasapano incident came about, of course being part of the Navy, what was the first thing you thought of? Ano yung, syempre diba Sir, you’re a military guy, ano yung una mong naisip nung nangyari to? What were your first thoughts?
SAFT: I think I was one of the first who was interviewed about this incident, here also in ANC. I said, ‘For now, while I would want to wait for more information, my question is why didn’t the PNP coordinate with the AFP?’ That was very crucial. So then we found out that the,
WEBB: But dumating sa isip niyo Sir yung mismatch? Yung sinasabi mo nga na there were 392, ilagay na natin sa 400 SAF troopers, Sir, did that bother you? Was that something in your head that, ‘anong nangyari dun sa 392 kung may apat na’?
SAFT: Yes, but that came in a few days.
WEBB: A little later.
SAFT: A little later when we found out that only around 80 or 90 were engaged and the others were blocking forces and security. So, those questions arose, but during the investigation especially during the Executive Sessions, just to give credit to the army, they didn’t want to reveal this in the open session. They didn’t want to because it would put the SAF in the bad light and they didn’t want that. But the sad thing, General Napeñas kept on pointing to the military.
WEBB: Well, in fairness, he keep saying that, “Kasi sana nagkaroon ng reinforcements sa military.” Madalas niyang masabi yon.
SAFT: Yes, pero meron nga. And yun na nga, bakit ka hihingi ng reinforcements sa AFP when you already have them within your unit?
WEBB: To conclude it, Sir. Okay, number one, what could be done about it? You’ll ask PNP OIC General Espina to investigate this. Number two, Sir, this whole Mamasapano incident, you already said, the President is ultimately responsible but the deaths of the 44, you’re saying should not be blamed on the President but should be blamed on Napeñas?
WEBB: Hindi, okay.
SAFT: Hindi po. We’re talking about the deaths of the 44 should be blamed to those who killed, the blame for that should be directed to those who actually pulled the trigger. And that’s the MILF, BIFF, and the other private armed groups. But just analyzing what I just said, baka hindi namatay, baka nanalo pa sila kung pumasok yung 120.
WEBB: That’s why I wanted to rephrase that question because when I asked you who’s to blame for this, you said General Napeñas. So, what is the accountability? What can we blame on General Napeñas, Sir?
SAFT: By the nature of military operations, you cannot attach any criminal liability to a Military Commander. If he committed gross negligence or any service related offenses, the most that you can impose on him is an administrative punishment.
WEBB: But that’s the military.
SAFT: That’s the military and the police because the nature of this is military operations.
WEBB: Okay, okay.
SAFT: Because you can’t punish military commanders for any casualty, otherwise, no military commander would conduct military operations. But I think the finger pointing should stop. Again, I go back in my initial assertions. General Napeñas should just man up and accept full responsibility and liability for the debacle of the Mamasapano incident. The Army Officers I believe, the Army in general, did everything.
SAFT: No, I’m not. In fact, I am being objective as I could. In fact, I came in with that bias and sympathy for the SAF. But when the information came to me clinging in, that impression changed. Now, remember General Napeñas kept on saying that he gave grid coordinates, and he was texting them and he showed the text messages as proof. When these were actually plotted, none of them were accurate.
WEBB: Mali?
SAFT: Yes. Mali.
WEBB: So, where did those grid coordinates come from?
SAFT: I wouldn’t know. So, plinot iyon.
WEBB: What you’re saying is, even if he passed on those grid coordinates to everybody, to the military for example, and ginamit nila yung grid coordinates na iyon, they would have been in a place where the fire fight was not happening?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: They would have been in a wrong place?
SAFT: And it could have killed the friendly forces, for all we know. And in fact, one of the grid coordinates given was the withdrawal area for the 84th Company, so it’s totally erroneous. In fact, in one of the text messages I pointed out, General Napeñas texted 365 degress, there’s no such thing.
WEBB: Sorry, I don’t know anything about grid coordinates.
SAFT: No, but it’s up to 360 degrees, right?
WEBB: 360 nga lang, hindi pwedeng sumobra pa.
SAFT: This information is not actionable. Well, it’s just a sample. But all the grid coordinates given by General Napeñas didn’t match anything in the engagement area.
WEBB: Yes, but could it have been right yung sa withdrawal force ng 84th?
WEBB: Hindi, sabi mo there was one grid coordinate that kung saan yung withdrawal ng 84th. That’s not a bad grid coordinate, right?
SAFT: Yes. Pero kapag kinanyon mo iyon, eh di pag nag-withdraw sila, tatamaan sila.
WEBB: Ay sorry, hindi ko naman naisip iyon.
SAFT: It’s a friendly force. And they were using Google maps which is not the standard military tactical map. So when they were trying to match it, hind talaga (magtutugma.)
WEBB: What do you use as maps?
SAFT: May military tactical maps, pati yung mga elevations, so mas detailed iyon and coordinated kayo, you won’t miss out.
WEBB: So, they used Google maps. But what normally would the police use, the same map as the military?
SAFT: I would like to believe that they have tactical maps as well. But the one that they brought to the Army headquarters was Google maps. And the officers, the SAF officers, were being asked by the Army commander, the coordinates for the friendly forces and the enemy forces, they couldn’t give anything. But in public, General Napeñas was saying ‘my officers were already dead, we’re coordinating.’ Yes, they were talking, but they couldn’t pinpoint the exact location of the friendly forces and the enemy forces. Therefore you cannot use the artillery, the fire support.
WEBB: Correct, correct, I understand.
SAFT: But again, the public impression, because they gave so much credence to the greatness of General Napeñas, everybody bought it, it’s now the fault of the Army.
WEBB: So, you believe when the President said that binola siya ni Napeñas?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Naniniwala kayo doon?
SAFT: Hindi lang si Presidente ang binola niya, pati mg Senador, and the public. He’s taking everybody for a ride because he can’t accept that responsibility. Namatay yung mga tropa mo kasi mali yung plano, mali yung execution mo.
WEBB: So you said that the responsibility is Napenas’, the accountability is Napeñas’ kung i-tatagalog natin iyon, Sir, ang responsibiliadad ay kay Napenas, at ang.. Kasi hindi natin pwedeng… parang nung sinabi ko “Kasalanan ba’to ni Napenas? Sabi mo, hindi.” You said “I wouldn’t say that.”
WEBB: Very quickly Sir, still on this topic, you said that the President should not say sorry.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Why? I mean you said that he’s responsible?
SAFT: Yes. Well, let’s just say that the nature of an apology should be given voluntarily.
WEBB: Kusa?
SAFT: Kusa. Yung “bukal sa kalooban”. If it’s not, if it’s extracted from you, or if it’s forced, then it has no value at all, right? I was saying that, in that sense. And look, in that apology, would that please the relatives? No. They want more, right? They want justice.
WEBB: But that’s what Senator Grace was saying. Di ba sabi niya “kahit paano mapapawi yung sama ng loob, yung ganun…” But she said there are a number of things that the President needs to do: take care of the widows, etc., put to justice those who are responsible to the crime. But as the father of the nation, as the father of the SAF 44 that were killed, when you say he’s responsible, you don’t apologize at sabihing kasalanan mo but you apologize for what has happened. I mean mahirap bang gawin iyon?
SAFT: I agree. But these are social skills. We cannot impose our own standards for social demeanour to anybody, right?
WEBB: If that was you, would you have apologized? If you were the President.
SAFT: Well, privately, I would have conveyed a message to make sure that the relatives would feel that there is a sense of compassion. But we can set that aside now because an apology wouldn’t be sufficient for the relatives, it wouldn’t be sufficient for the critics, for the ambivalent majority, they wouldn’t care either way. And for the critics, they would even use it, probably, as basis for an impeachment because it’s an admission of guilt.
WEBB: So that’s why you were saying, you’re advising the President not to fall into that trap of saying sorry.
SAFT: Because I remembered, during the time of GMA, remember she said “Sorry”? Did we buy that? Were we appeased by that? No. In fact, we even intensified the protest because that’s practically an admission of guilt.
WEBB: But Senator, would that be a fair comparison to compare the “I am sorry” of the former President and a possible “sorry” of PNoy? These are two different situations and two different incidents that happened, ‘di ba?
SAFT: I know. But they’re trying to link it with a liability and accountability. So, if an expression of apology or regret should be given to the relatives, they can do it privately. But let me just redirect this conversation again. Yung mga kamag-anak, they feel so bad, they want justice. They could have gotten that justice kung yung mga kasamahan nilang SAF ay ginawa yung trabaho nila. Yung kay General Espina, his calls for justice, he could have gotten that right there and then, kung yung mga tropa nila na SAF, na 120 and another 100 plus here, eh pumasok.
WEBB: Were you able to speak to General Espina already, Sir, o hindi pa?
SAFT: No, not yet. I was waiting for this Committee Report to reveal that. It is a revelation by the Senate as an institution. But we missed it, it’s sad.
WEBB: Well, you shared it with us, Sir. I guess we know what happened, at least parts of what happened during that Executive Session because you were able to get consent from the resource persons, Sir. So, how do you suggest that the President move on, if you don’t feel he shouldn’t apologize and fall into that trap?
SAFT: I guess there are so many lessons learned in this episode. But for now, in the short term, they should really communicate well with the public, because there’s confusion, there is a deliberate misdirection and they should take control on the flow of information right now, not in the Draconian sense. But they should be more proactive in the delivery of their communications.
WEBB: Okay, one last question on this topic. Yes or no, was it right that the President still included the suspended PNP chief during the operation of Oplan Exodus?
SAFT: It wasn’t, but again, just looking at the context of their relationship. General Purisima and the President, go way back during the 80’s. They are friends, advisers, confidants, so, in the suspension of General Purisima, that didn’t include being suspended as a friend, adviser and confidant, right? And he was doing it in a private channel which is a text message in mobile phone.
WEBB: Sir, he was part of the meeting.
SAFT: Yes.
SAFT: Yes, but it was already approved the year before.
WEBB: Yes, but not the timeline, Sir. Hindi yung araw of the operation. I mean, one month before they met there, one month before that General Purisima was suspended. I believe that’s December 9 or December 4. Sinama pa rin nya. Okay, you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with that, di ba? Kasi kaibigan nya itong matagal at siya yung on top, pero the President kept communicating to General Purisima about this the whole time when he is suspended. Okay, is that a big deal for you? Parang hindi e.
SAFT: You know why? Sabi ko nga, we’ll go back to the plan, even if the President was continuously communicating with General Purisima, but if the mission was successful and we don’t have any casualties there, would that matter?
WEBB: Well, we wouldn’t have known, but that’s the problem, Sir.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Something happened, that’s why we found out.
SAFT: But this is a covert operation to begin with. And General Purisima was privy to that covert operation. Probably the lapse of the President was he could’ve included General Espina but he didn’t, so, it’s a lapse.
WEBB: Alright.
SAFT: But right now.
WEBB: Lapse in judgment.
SAFT: It’s a lapse in judgment, but still, iyon bang communication nila ang dahilan kung bakit namatay yung 44?
WEBB: I understand where you’re going with this, Sir. So, you declared that you will run, on to the next topic, as Vice President in 2016. Many times we’ve talked, Sir, you’ve always told us your intention to run. But I guess, this is as clear as your announcement yesterday.
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: What made you finally decide to tell everyone that you are running for Vice President in 2016? Pending, of course the nomination of your party.
SAFT: Well, for some reasons, it was never intended. I was there during that press conference for the Mamasapano Report, but I was asked by the same question, but I guess it was more specific, so I just answered. And it’s now out there. But it’s a personal decision for now. I would still submit to the decision of the Nacionalista Party. And I guess, I just have to start preparing later on about what I will show off to my countrymen as regards my qualifications for that position.
WEBB: You declared, you know, your intention to run for Vice President. Are you, you know, wary or are you thinking that possibly, there could be some investigations about you because you already told the people or the public your intention to run for vice president? I guess, what I’m saying is similar to Vice President Jejomar Binay, Sir.
SAFT: Yes, well, that’s part of it. You’ll have to be prepared for that. I’ve been through worse, so, bring it on.
WEBB: I mean, there could be possible corruption charges, you think filed against you? Is everything in your SALN, Sir?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: You have no bank accounts abroad?
SAFT: None.
WEBB: You don’t have property abroad, Sir?
SAFT: No, I don’t have any Hacienda Binay type of properties.
WEBB: So, you’re ready for that. If you were to choose lang, Sir, who would be the President? Who would probably have the most, yung pareho kayo ng idealismo, ng paninindigan, sino iyon for you?
SAFT: For the Nacionalista Party?
SAFT: Let’s just say there’s an array of names being floated around and personalities, I’ll start with my party, we have Senator Manny Villar, Senator Alan Cayetano, Senator Bongbong Marcos. You have Senator Grace Poe, you have Secretary Mar Roxas. So, all these people are very much competent. You have Mayor Duterte even, and I think Senator…
WEBB: Sino yung pinakabagay sayo to be your president, if you were to run as vice president?
SAFT: I’m really not prepared for that, but it would be best if it would be from the same party, so that,
WEBB: But, you’re talking about your core party or a party that could enter a coalition, Sir? Isa sa core party ninyo? It would just be Senator Alan Cayetano and Senator Bongbong Marcos, and Senator Manny Villar? Silang tatlo lang po?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Senator Grace Poe is not? Secretary Mar Roxas is not either? So, sabi mo sana isa doon sa tatlo?
SAFT: Yes, but again, if the party decides to form a coalition again, let’s say with the Liberal Party, then, I believe we don’t have any chemistry issues, because right now, we’re still in a coalition. And Secretary Mar Roxas, I believe is a decent public servant and he embraced the programs of the President, so, transition won’t be a problem with that regard.
WEBB: Yes, if you are going to run, your party chooses you as the vice president, who would be, yung pinakamahirap mong kalaban?
SAFT: As vice president, probably it’s Senator Chiz Escudero.
WEBB: Can you beat him, Sir?
SAFT: The people would be able to answer that.
WEBB: But right now, who would you feel has the upper hand between you and Senator Chiz? Ngayon?
SAFT: It’s definitely Senator Chiz Escudero.
WEBB: Would this be your last term? Ito na po ba or you still have 3 years or another term?
SAFT: I will have another 3 years.
WEBB: In 2016?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: So, if you lose, balik kayo ng Senado?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: So, not much to lose.
SAFT: Well.
WEBB: Well, what pride?
SAFT: Yes.
WEBB: Hindi ba, that’s something, siguro sa pagkakilala ko rin sa inyo, kailangan sigurista ka. I mean, for you to run Sir, how I’ve always known you is that, your chances should be big talaga.
SAFT: Well, at least, there’s a chance. Remember, when you interviewed me, I think in Fort Bonifacio, nobody gave us a chance but we saw a little chance there, so, we went for it.
WEBB: That’s true. I remember your campaign started in a garage somewhere in Makati. But, we wish you luck Sir, and again, you know, at least that’s a revelation for us, for the people, for the public, those who were tuning in right now, the revelation of the army on what happened last January 25. Something you shared with us, of course, may permiso, with the permission of the 5 army personnel that you spoke to who were witnesses during Mamasapano encounter. Senator, thank you so much for joining us and good luck, Sir.
SAFT: Thank you Pinky.
For a more sensible discussion, may I ask those who want to comment to please read the whole transcript? Mahaba lang but I think one has no business of commenting on something he or she doesn’t know about.
Big deal.
This is no longer the same Trillanes of Oakwood and Manila Pen.
He’s practically a goner.
Now, we know the other side of the Senate investigation.
I appreciate Sen AT1V going against the tide of emotions.
Thank you Sen Sonny for bringing up in the open what happened behind close doors. The public have the right to know.
This is no longer the same Trillanes of Oakwood and Manila Pen. – LCSiao.
Why, how did you see him before and how is he today?
It could be that you see him according to what you want to see and not what he really is.
He is the same person, unafraid to take a stand for what he believes in even if it’s against popular opinion.
With all due respect, Ellen, you may well be seeing him not for what he really is, too, since it is impossible for anyone of us to claim not to look at people or issues from a certain lens.
What I will concede, though, as far as his consistency is concerned, is his dogged defense of his principal–popular or not–since his co-optation in 2010.
The question now is, will Trillanes’ TV ‘tell-all’ serve the ends of justice (granting the veracity of his statements) or will it be just another tool for the Palace occupant to muddle the issue and escape accountability?
Lusot na sana ang AFP, except for a glaring omission, that Trillanes could have caught, if he probed some more.
Follow-up sana.
Eh bakit kayo (AFP reinforcements), hindi kayo pumasok? Weren’t your orders to reinforce? That means engage the enemy di ba? Or were your orders conditional? Engage if the SAF go in first?
Ilan ba kayo (reinforcements)? Kayong lima lang? Isang platoon? Isang company?
Anong dala ninyo? Grenade launchers? Other weapons?
Why do I ask? to determine the level of support sent by the allegedly responding AFP commander.
Hard to believe this claim. Don’t they teach this in the academy? A PMA alumnus actually can’t read grid coordinates?
And the recipient? Didn’t he text back? Oy typo ata Mistah. Can you confirm the texted grids? Ganoon lang? I can’t read it, so I am not sending artillery?
The new info revealed to the Senator poses more questions than it answers.
The jury is still out, as far as I am concerned, on whether or not reinforcements were actually sent.
Ako naman ang magtatanong. Why not ask those tamad-texting SAF reinforcements? May dumating bang AFP reinforcements? Ilan? Isang tilap (platoon)? Isang (balangay)company?
Saklolo Magno. Tama ba ang Tagalog? 19-kopong-kopong pa ako nag-ROTC.
Never bothered to follow this until now and do not intend to after reading this article.
My take is still the same the day after reading that Gen. Napenas and the President took responsility of the encounter or tragedy, whichever/whatever.
General Napenas is the ground overall commanding officer It’s his call. he should take responsibilty……..w/c he did.
So did…………….. President Kalbito.
Nandoon pala sa BOI report ang sagot sa mga katanungan ko.
Many of the “revelations” to Trillanes are in complete opposition to the findings of the BOI, backed up by affidavits or quoted text messages. The grid coordinates were texted as well. Walang 365 degrees.
Pangilinan thumbed down artillery support. I am still digesting the report. Will post more.
Get a copy at rappler. It is linked in the report of Patricia Evangelista.
Very revealing interview. My question is why did the Senate presented a report on the tragedy that seems, as revealed by Senator Trillianes, missing important facts or angle? Glossing it over to conform to public opinion and media angle is rather irresponsible if true! It should be accurate and complete. How can one believe anything that will come out from our senate now after this revelation? This is a very serious matter in my opinion. It really reflects how incompetent our leaders are.
If I may, why would many of our senators agree to this? why would they do that, gloss it over or media angle, considering that so many people died instead of presenting a credible report? Note that what was presented was report coming from the Senate. This is not just a piece of paper. Many more other lives will be affected by this report! At the end of day, we all lose!
I plotted the GC given by Napenas which is GC 6798365714. To be exact sa MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) 51NXH6798365714. Converted to LAT / LON this MGRS point is LAT 6.924885 N LON 124.52047 E. For reference here is the exact location of the GC 6798365714 using wikimapia
This points to the western edge of the cornfield which may be pointing to the position of the SAF Troopers.
So the GC given is correct and platable
tilap – squad.
platoon – pulutong.
balangay – company, may tama ka!
inilihim nila sa AFP ang operasyon, but when SAF were pinned down tatawag ng support?
kung ako ang highest ranking in area under my responsibility why should i grant your unbecoming texted message? meron tayong official means of communication how would i know kung ang patatamaan mo ay ang friendly engaged troops unknown to my knowledge kung sino ka talaga? malay ko bang ikaw si kato at nagkukunyari ka lang si general napanes, este napenas?
senator trillanes may have something in his bag apart from what were contained in the BOI report, but people would be wanting to know what these are and being offered unsolicitedly, whatever his purpose was, why not divulge publicly? huwag ninyong solohin sa executive session KUNG wala kayong itinatago o pinagtatakpan.
# 12. “……which may be pointing to the position of the SAF Troopers.”
saan ko pababagsakin ang bala ng kanyon, KUNG hindi mo sigurado ang talagang posisyon ng SAF troopers granting na tama nga ang grid coodinate na itineks ni napenas who was not physically present du’n sa encounter area kundi nakatalukbong ng kumot sa isang otel at wala sa TCP?
(to napaneas) wala nga tayong pre-coordinated arrangement para sa lahat support na kakailanganin mo kung sakali, eh. nilihim mo sa akin, tapos habang gumagapang ang mga tao mo NILASING n’yo ang field commanders ko para walang maaaring ikatwiran PUMALPAK man o MAGTANGUMPAY ang panghaharana ninyo dahil nga gusto mo SOLO mo ang kredito. hindi pa ba sapat na sinabi mo kay mamangpanot na COMPROMISED ang AFP para maging maliwanag ang kasuwapangan n’yo ng BFF ni noynoy na kahawig (baka nga kakambal pa) ni jose manalo?
maligoy ang mga sinasabi ni AFTIV. binutasan mo na, hayaan mong malunod KUNG sino ang sasagasaan ng rumaragasang agos!
do not let yourself be aligned with those sugar coated talking politicos.
bayag mo salo mo!
dedicated NP ka na pala.
iniwan mo na kami. este, sila pala!
@ 11..Olan..with this type of Inquiry where it has no clear objectives going into the task of what picture to paint..what questions to be answered and instead of Fact finding, it ended into Fault finding…the report of its finding is mot worth a grain of truth…The Inquiry was not able to solicit testimonies under oath of many important players in the Mammasapono incident…many of its testimonies can not be trusted as facts as its resource witnesses were not Guaranteed of Protection against Self Incrimination…nor guaranteed that their testimonies CAN NOT BE USED in any other proceedings, criminal or civil or administrative now or in the Future..
With this type of Inquiry that is Quisi Criminal Probe instead of Fact Finding…just never trust its be the Truth nothing but the Truth… you have to be very Wary…
Indirect artillery ang hiningi. Specifically, white phosphorus rounds.It was given eventually, at 6 pm. Patay na ang mga tao by then.
Magtatagal, because I have to re-type it. The BOI report was scanned, and is not a pdf. So hinid puwedeng cut and paste. Kailangang i-re-type.
Here is page 45 on your Adobe Reader counter, which is Page 27 of the report.
So mayroong approval by Guerrero, but revoked by Pangilinan.
Colonel Gener Del Rosario is the Brigade Commander of the 1st MIB. Mangahis and Talino are SAF people, who met with Del Rosario at the Sharif Aguak Provincial Capitol to brief Del Rosario.
Italics in the original. Page 45 on the Adobe Counter, page 27 on the Report.
Page 47 on your Adobe reader, page 29 in the BOI report.
The pages are different because there is the preliminary part in the report that is numbered with Roman numerals.
Strike two. Guerrero makes something available, but Pangilinan blackballs it. First, the artillery. Now, the Hueys.
MED EVAC? Hindi ba MED EVAC yan dahil may tropang sugatan?
And below is wikipedia on Hueys. I will need Magno’s expertise again to confirm the info.
Wow dalawang GC pala ang binigay ni Espina kay Guerrero the first is GC of the hostile forces and the 2nd GC is the location of the 55th SAF Company.
I plotted both GC bale ang hostile forces nasa South West ng cornfield 550+ meters ang layo.
To visualize kung nasaan ang kalaban please refer to
If you pan-up slightly you will find the location of the SAF44 here
Wow dalawang GC pala ang binigay ni Espina kay Guerrero. Eto ang location ng MILF/BIFF
From the location above pan-up slightly this is the location of the SAF 44
#18 Del Rosario responded that Pangilinan did not approve because of “the ongoing peace process.”
From a reliable source: Pangilinan was told by the military member of the panel not to fire artillery yes, because of the ongoing peace process.
When Pangilinan appeared in the Senate, AFP Chief Catapang told him not to mention the peace process.
Many people blame Napenas for not coordinating with the AFP. Was it solely Napenas’ fault or decision? Or was there tacit agreement from the President?
Read the following facts found in the Report.
Footnote in the Report:
Page 36 on your Adobe Reader, 18 in the Report.
Read between the lines.
Kung wala talaga kayong tiwala, puwes magdagdag kayo ng tao.
What is the basis for the distrust by Napenas? The Report provides facts:
Withdrawal of support. Sounds familiar. Trillanes says ginawa yan ni Binay sa kanya sa Manila Penn.
Uy. May mole.
Anak ng kuwagong duling. Nanulot pa ng mission.
Page 32 of Adobe Reader, 14 on the Report.
This guy Magalong is some smart fellow. He is diplomatic in his conclusions, seeming to agree with the higher-ups that Napenas is chiefly to blame. But he details the facts in the body of the report, which are more damning towards other people than Napenas.
If one reads the report’s factual findings, one will arrive at a conclusion different from what Magalong has written. This allows Magalong to claim that conclusions are a matter of interpretation, and he can humbly admit his error in conclusions.
But the facts his team uncovered speak the truth, as to what occurred; or at least as much of the truth as could be obtained. So he has done his job for history, while seeming to play ball with the higher-ups.
Here is a little story from jurisprudence, which may aid in assessing the accountability of Napenas, as against other players.
This is the case of Amado Picart v. Frank Smith, Jr. G.R. No. L-12219 March 15, 1918
On December 12, 1912, in the Carlatan Bridge in San Fernando, La Union, a man (Plaintiff) on his pony was riding on the wrong side of the road. The Defendant was in his automobile, approaching the pony. Defendant had the right of way.
Below are direct quotes from the case.
“As the defendant started across the bridge, he had the right to assume that the horse and the rider would pass over to the proper side; but as he moved toward the center of the bridge it was demonstrated to his eyes that this would not be done; and he must in a moment have perceived that it was too late for the horse to cross with safety in front of the moving vehicle.”
“In the nature of things this change of situation occurred while the automobile was yet some distance away; and from this moment it was no longer within the power of the plaintiff to escape being run down by going to a place of greater safety. The control of the situation had then passed entirely to the defendant; and it was his duty either to bring his car to an immediate stop or, seeing that there were no other persons on the bridge, to take the other side and pass sufficiently far away from the horse to avoid the danger of collision.”
“Instead of doing this, the defendant ran straight on until he was almost upon the horse.”
“A prudent man, placed in the position of the defendant, would in our opinion, have recognized that the course which he was pursuing was fraught with risk, and would therefore have foreseen harm to the horse and the rider as reasonable consequence of that course. Under these circumstances the law imposed on the defendant the duty to guard against the threatened harm.”
“It goes without saying that the plaintiff himself was not free from fault, for he was guilty of antecedent negligence in planting himself on the wrong side of the road. But as we have already stated, the defendant was also negligent; and in such case the problem always is to discover which agent is immediately and directly responsible. It will be noted that the negligent acts of the two parties were not contemporaneous, since the negligence of the defendant succeeded the negligence of the plaintiff by an appreciable interval. Under these circumstances the law is that the person who has the last fair chance to avoid the impending harm and fails to do so is chargeable with the consequences, without reference to the prior negligence of the other party.”
“From what has been said it results that the judgment of the lower court must be reversed, and judgment is her rendered that the plaintiff recover of the defendant the sum of two hundred pesos (P200), with costs of other instances. The sum here awarded is estimated to include the value of the horse, medical expenses of the plaintiff, the loss or damage occasioned to articles of his apparel, and lawful interest on the whole to the date of this recovery. The other damages claimed by the plaintiff are remote or otherwise of such character as not to be recoverable. So ordered.”
This is the oft-cited doctine of last clear chance. Last I checked, it is still good law. In Tagalog, “Ako man ang unang may sala, kung kaya mong umiwas, ngunit hindi ka umiwas, ikaw ang tunay na may sala.
So Napenas did not coordinate. But there was still a chance to mitigate the loss of lives, by, either providing the artillery support, or the Huey choppers, or both.
So who had the last clear chance? Who failed to provide the artillery and the Hueys? Why?
Smart fellow? Kaya pala hindi na niya ininterview si Kalbo kasi nakalimutan ni Roxas. Kasalanan ni Roxas!
As the Senate Report is silent on the shortcomings of the other 200 lying-and-texting SAF I assume the same with Magalong’s report.
Or about the wining and dining of AFP commanders on the same night. Meron o wala?
Of course it’s a policeman writing the Police Report. I have no illusions that Magalong’s report will not be biased against the soldiers and be fair to all concerned. Trillanes discredited it and does not believe it fully.
Kaya nga Trillanes is asking Espina to investigate – Occam’s Razor. Hindi katanggap-tanggap sa kanya yung report ni Magalong at ni Grace Poe.
Occam’s Razor?
I used the same. Can’t believe a PMA alumnus cannot read grids. So, to me, the tale to Trillanes was a tall one.
Well, I’d like to share some words from this Fil-Am soldier. He says the US has lost an average of 50 soldiers DAILY from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars FOR THIRTEEN YEARS. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Bin Laden is already dead.
Did any body try to impeach George W or file cases against him for the thousands of deaths? Oo nga naman. I know where he was leading but he said, as a soldier you know what’s in the future for you. You fight for your country and die doing it or be a sissy and leave the service.
Eto mas mahaba-habang reference. Mas maraming tanong nasagot dito si Trillanes.
Sample :
That is answered in the BOI Report. There was a gunfight with Marwan. He was killed. Usman, Baco and their BIFF supporters “escaped”, meaning they left.
The next exchange of fire was when the SAF were leaving the location. So for a brief while, there was a lull. So they did have time to take pictures.
Pages 37 -38 on the Adobe counter, 19 – 20 on the Report.
That was mentioned twice in the Report. Pages 29 – 30 on the Adobe counter, 11 – 12 on the report state as follows:
I agree with you Vic. It became a fault finding inquiry than presenting a report that reflects the truth. Considering Ellen’s comment @ #21… Someone seems to hold on important comments to deflect facts..,Again at the highest level of government, even under oath they do this? No wonder the Chinese calls us immature! Over 30 years after EDSA1, nothing seems to change but things went worst! I think governance in our country under these same group of people is a failure because they never learned anything. All talk and nothing to show for it… Even with many sacrifices and deaths..
Trillanes in the interview:
That is refuted by the text of Purisima, which prompted Guerrero to okay troops and artillery that Pangilinan thumbed down.
I quoted it above. Here it is again. Kasama ang grids na walang 365 degrees.
Page 24 to 25 on the Report, 42 to 43 on the Adobe counter.
Hmmmm Pangilinan’s action or inaction at the most crucial moment deserves a thorough investigation. As per the jurisprudence mentioned by Atty saxnviolins. The greater burden of liability lies in Gen. Pangilinan’s shoulder.
Totoo bang may temporary US Drone command facility sa loob ng AFP Wesmincom base sa Zamboanga City kung saan minonitor ang mission?
And was the President there monitoring the same, as some sources claim?
Sa tingin ko ay sa report ni Sen T. ay iisa lang ang gusto niyang palabasin na may kasalanan dito kundi si Gen. Napenas.
Paano si Purisima at Pnoy.
Una si Pnoy ay dapat rin tawagan ang AFP not only asking sa BFF niya. Na mag coordinate. maraming siyang bobong alalay na mauutusan. Pero may usapan sila ng BFF niya na huwag ipaalam.
Kawawa si Napenas OO kasalanan niya at kaso ay sumusunod lang naman siya kay Purisima.
Iisa lang ang sinisisi ni Sen. T. dito..
Naniniwala siya sa limang nag report galing sa AFP. Di ko maalala kung sa interview ay tinanong ni Webb kung nag tanong ba si SEn. T.. sa mga sinasabi niyang 120 na naka tambay na SAF. Kung totoo ang nakuha niyang tsismis sa kabaro niya sa AFP.
WEBB: So, who’s to blame? Because, how I understand it Sir, there is a difference between someone being responsible and someone being accountable. The President is responsible, Sir, that’s what you’re saying. Is he accountable?
WEBB: Who is accountable?
SAFT: General Napeñas, he’s the overall commander. That’s how it is. In military operations, you get casualties but the results of your mission will dictate whether you deserve to hold command or not. In this particular case, there are so many flaws, even during the planning, even during the execution and based on the information I’ve been getting, it is a total breakdown of leadership a discipline. In fact, during the investigation, General Napeñas couldn’t even explain why the blocking forces, the other companies, left so much later. The jump-off time was supposed to be a couple of hours before.
WEBB: So you said that the responsibility is Napenas’, the accountability is Napeñas’ kung i-tatagalog natin iyon, Sir, ang responsibiliadad ay kay Napenas, at ang.. Kasi hindi natin pwedeng… parang nung sinabi ko “Kasalanan ba’to ni Napenas? Sabi mo, hindi.” You said “I wouldn’t say that.”
Kawawang Napenas.. Sina Pnoy at Purisima ay walang kasalanan para kay Sen. T
Delikado yang conclusions mo Vonjovi, lalo na baliktad sa nilalaman ng sinabi ni AT4. Wala naman siyang sinabi na walang kasalanan si Pnoy, in fact paulit-ulit niyang sinabi na RESPONSABLE siya bilang commander in chief, ama ng bayan etc. Ingat sa pagbibigay ng maling pahayag.
Were Purisima not suspended, there would have been no hesitation on his part to exercise his powers in assisting his men in the field to accomplish the dangerous mission. It was a golden opportunity to shine, for goodness’ sake. But because he was under suspension, he was unsure, indecisive, confused, low-key. He should have been where the action was, in Maguindanao or nearby where coordination was much more feasible— not in Nueva Ecija tending to his farm. He could have barked orders with authoritative clarity and force. He could have initiated and supervised a closer coordination with the AFP being himself the PNP top dog and a close buddy of the President. He could have even made use of the drone monitoring facility of the US to monitor the action in real time and shouted orders from there. But because he knew he was suspended, he had to content himself with receiving communication from Napeñas, relaying this to the President and vice versa, and perhaps giving advice–not order, mind you– from time to time.
Because he was under suspension, he could not carry out his role which was vital in accomplishing the mission. In his place, somebody must fill it up. It should have been PNP OIC Espina but he was kept out of the loop. So a huge command gap in the chain existed.
Meanwhile, the men down the chain had to grapple with confusion. Napeñas himself must have realized too late that he was handling a very dangerous mission all by himself without the assistance of a supervising commander and the help of the AFP
Who’s fault is it then?
Why not fault the Ombudsman? If the Ombudsman did not suspend Purisima, it will not come to this.
Hey Mr. President you should blame Carpio-Morales.
kung anuman ang gusto ni sen trillanes na malantad na may malalim pang kinalaman tungkol sa PUMALPAK na mamasapano operation, IISA LA’ANG ang konklusyon diyan – ang OPLAN EXODUS ay isang HIGHLY CLASSIFIED, a TOP SECRET operation involving not only national (concerning the philippines) KUNDI isang INTERNATIONAL security concern (dahil nga wanted internationally itong si marwan) and president aquino being the highest official of the land WHOSE approval is needed before laaunching any classified operation of that magnitude SHOULD have NOT left any concerned agencies be on the sideline since the start of the planning LEAVING him ACCOUNTABLE especially with that LOSS of lives of the SAF 44.
dapat ay binigyang pansin ng pangulo ang una pa lamang na pagpupulong KUNG saan ang pamunuan ng AFP ay hindi isinali ni napenas NA sana’y kanyang kinastigo sa pangangatwirang COMPROMISED ang AFP. hinayaan niyang si purisima ang sundin ni napenas gayong suspendido ay nilaktawan ang mas may kapangyarihang naayon sa batas upang makialam – SILG mar roxas at OICPNP leonardo espina.
sa pangkalahatan – lumalabas at hindi maitatangging GUILTY ang pangulo sa patong patong na kasong kanyang kakaharapin na may kaugnayan sa mamasapano opetation.
totoo ang sinasabi ni senadora grace poe NA HINDI pa huli ang lahat upang siya ay mag-ay em sori sa kanyang kamalian AT HUWAG na niyang pakinggan at sundin ang mga lihis sa katwiran at katotohanang mga payo mula sa kanyang mga tangapagsalita SAPAGKAT LALO lamang siyang mababaon sa kumunoy ng paninisi ng taong bayan at kalaunan kahit bakas ng kanyang bumbunan ay hindi na kailanman masisilayan.
kunsabagay, ano ba ang mawawala sa kanya eh wala naman siyang lahing maiiwan. walang pamilyang magiging tampulan ng pag-aglahi bunga ng katigasan ng kanyang PALPAK na paninindigan.
pagtiisan na natin (tutal ay KAPIT KUHOL siya sa kanyang puwesto sampu ng kanyang mga tangapayo) ang isang taon pa niyang ipinagpipilitang pamamalagi sa palasyo. sa unang segundo ng pagkaputol ng lahat ng kanyang IMMUNITY ay doon siya sampahan ng mga kaso kasama ng mga sulsol niyang mga gabinete. sa pagdating ng pagkakataong iyon, TINGNAN natin KUNG paano niya pipilipitin ang katotohanang kanyang pinipilit na paniwalaan at tanggapin ngayon.
sa unang araw ng hulyo, 2016, iyon ang araw ng PAGTUTUOS!
The MILF submitted the reports of its inquiry. another version of the truth..the House is planning to conduct its own inquiry, there will be another version of truth..the Senate came up with their own version of truth laced with passion and emotion and the PNP just handed their own…and who the public will trust to which truth to arrive at their own conclusion of what really transpired in that one fateful day in Mamasapano?
#39 iyan ba ang pa ulit ulit na sinabi ni Sen. T na mali ni Pnoy. Iisa or dalawang beses lang niya binanggit yata sa ulat niya kay Webb eh.
Ang bukang bibig niya ay si Napenas ang may kasalanan.
I know you like Sen. T. I like him too but parang one sided ang pinangkiggan niya. Ang AFP lang at bakit di niya hinarang muna ang report at pilitin na isama ang nabisto niyang palpak na ginawa ng 120 SAF.
Sa dami ng mag iimbistiga ay walang mapupuntahan itong kaso at kawawa lang ang 44Heroes SAF na namatay. Maguguluhan ang mga tao kung kanino sila dapat maniwala.
Iisa lang ang alam ko na di maniniwala ang mga tao sa Gobyerno ni Pnoy ngayon dahil pag nag bukas siya ng bibig ay iba ibang palusot ang lumalabas.
(Got in on my 6th try.)
#43 Mukhang ganyan na ang laro ng isang co-opted ‘reformist’. Bahala siya.
He’s made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
#42 I bet that MILF version will be the one upheld by the Palace, including its apologists.
Wala daw grids? No way man. Si Del Rosario mismo, bata ni Pangilinan ang nag-text. Here are the texts between them, found as a footnote on Page 30 of the BOI Report (page 48 on the Adobe counter).
Naevac means na-evacuate. Not the smelly kind (tachi).
Na tall story na naman si Trillanes.
Page 34 of the BOI Report (52 on the Adobe counter)
What? Anong silbi niyang ceasefire team na yan, eh sa presence nila mismo binabaril ang AFP?
“Total ceasefire at 4 pm, pero may barilan pa at 5:15 pm.
So how can you trust these people?
Hindi lang si Napenas ang humingi ng artillery. Humingi rin ang army mismo.
DRC – Division Reconnaisance Company, an elite unit under the operational control of the Division Commander of the Philippine Army.
That finding is backed up by sworn statements (under penalty of perjury) by Police senior Inspector Arquiomeded Crosby Wesley, Police Senior Inspector Efren Cogasi, and Police Senior Inspector Janly Placido.
Page 30 of the BOI Report, 48 on the Adobe counter.
Will the interviewees of Trillanes back up their claims with sworn statements?
Si Sen. T Lumalabas na nagiging abogado siya ng AFP since galing siya doon.
Walang bukang bibig ang may kasalanan ay si Napenas.
Na interview ba niya ang sinasabing 120 SAF na di kumilos.
^ When we arrive at that point where Mr. T’s recent revelations are debunked, I’m sure he will mimic his principal’s excuse: “Binola lang ako.”
Pambihira yan, requesting for artillery fire tapos ang target coordinates position ng friendly forces! Patay!
Google “Fire Discipline”. Pare-pareho yan – US, British, Canadian. Di ko lang alam kung yung sa Philippines ay tinatarget yung sariling sundalo. LOL.
#43 ang sinasabi mong iisa o dalawang beses lang ay binase mo sa interview ni Pinky Webb? Sus.
Yun yung link sa Senate interview (#29), meron ding mga interview sa radyo, tv stations, diyaryo. Pag nabasa mo na lahat saka mo sabihing hindi sinisisi ni AT4 si Noynoy.
Kung sinabing:
“Sir, latest location ng ENEMY FORCES is at GC 68306550…”
yun ang PATAY!
Pulpol ba? Si Del Rosario nagsabi niyan; kanang kamay ni Pangilinan, of the AFP, not the boys of Napenas.
But they were asking for indirect artillery fire, para ma-screen ang SAF para makatakas.
Yan yung point ni Magno, as #14, in relation to gloperez’ post at #12.
The text of Purisima also refers to SAF position, at nakapaligid ang MILF.
“At around 7:57 am January 25, 2015 PDG Purisima sent a text message to (General) Guerrero stating, “Bok text sa akin dn dir saf …Sir location of SAF troops GC 68006 6517 and 6823469956. Nasa paligid ng first GC ang mga kalaban & tuloy pa rin heavy firefight. Napindown tropa sa first GC at meron mga casualties sila. Baka puwede artillery support sa AFP.” Guerrero replied around 8:03 am. “Meron ng coordination sa ground tank and artillery support are made available.”
In post # 17, I quoted wikipedia as stating:
“The first fire mission using white phosphorus was aimed as marking and persuasion fire since the location of both the SAF troops and the Hostiles was still undetermined.
The second round of white phophorus was fired while the joint Army and PNP member were moving in to the positions of the 55th SAC and Seaborne. The third roud was also directed to the same target.”
Page 30 of the BOI Report.
“As round of white phosphorus artillery were launched at 5:48 p.m. of January 25, 2015, Hostiles scampered off toward different directions easing the movements of the AFP contingent.”
Page iv of the Report.
Note post 56. The rounds were fired for “persuasion” (panakot), to announce, Hoy nandito na kaming reinforcements. And it got its results. Note this post, the Hostiles scampered off toward different directions, easing the movements of the AFP.”
May basis yang “persuasion” na yan, from previous behavior.
“In an interview with BOI,Mayor Ampatuan of Mamasapano and the Barangay Chairman and Officials of Tukanalipao in Mamasapano claimed that in the past, armed elements would readily withdraw from the encounter site whenever white phosphorus rounds were delivered by the Field Artillery Battery of the 6ID PA.
Kaya lang, huli na nang ibigay, patay na ang bibigyan sana ng smokescreen para makatakas.
Sorry page iv of the Report, for post 58.
Heto yung quote about indirect artillery.
SAF coordinated and request for indirect artillery fire support>/b> from the 1st mechanized Brigade as early as 7:30 a.m. The Brigade Commander of the 1st Mech Brigade, Colonel Gener Del Rosario sought clearance for artillery fire from the 6ID Commander, Major General Edmundo Pangilinan. However, of the three recommendations given by Col. Del Rosario, only the dispatches of infantry support and mechanized support were approved by MGNE Pangilinan. The request for indirect artillery fire was put on hold since, according to Pangilinan, they still lakced details as mandated by their protocol.
Sorry na bold lahat. Kulang ng tags.
Kapag tao nila, fire agad. Noong SAF ang humingi, pakipot muna.
# 36. Yung query mo about drones. Ito ata ang sagot sa baba.
Page 41 of the BOI Report / 59 on the Adobe counter.
Real-time info? Mukhang pinapanood nga.
Yung smokescreen, secondary lang yan sa white phosphorous round. Ang primary function niya ay to determine if the gun’s settings are on target. “Fire for effect” ang order sa artillery. Adjustments are taken 2 to 4 times before actual ammo are loaded. Ammo rounds are reserved for actual bombardment. Regarding artillery protocol, maraming available sa net. Or you can ask your former classmates sa ROTC na-under sa Field Artillery Battalion.
Hindi inimbento ni Del Rosario yung pulpol na GC from out of nowhere. It could only come from SAF. Obvious naman yun.
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