Take note of the yellow steel bars that confine the accused officers to a certain area of the courtroom.
As they mark next week two years in detention, the 28 officers facing trial for allegedly planning to withdraw support from Gloria Arroyo in February 2006, issued this statement on Truth.
In a statement that undermines the independence of the court martial trying the case,AFP Chief Hermogenes Esperon has made public statements that “they will be arraigned.” Court martial hearing resumes tomorrow.
It is often said that “the truth will set you free.” But this would be understood in the philosophical and moral context, because the truth, in many cases will send a person to prison. Mr. Lozada does not appear to be a saint, but the truth may have set him “free,” as perhaps, it was a means for him to attain peace with his own God and to reconcile himself with his concept of what is just and good. However, for Mrs. Arroyo, some members of her family, and their cohorts, including Mr. Esperon, the truth will send them to prison.