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Yano belittles Esperon’s tale

Esperon insists on coup plot report; Yano dismisses it as “very insignificant”.

Below are the two reports:

Army chief belittles coup reports

By Joel Guinto

Army Chief Lieutenant General Alexander Yano has played down as “very insignificant” and “raw” reports of a new plot to topple government, and added that there was no need for worry.

Yano expressed confidence that the “very few” soldiers who were the targets of the alleged recruitment would resist the overtures of anti-government forces as they remained loyal to the chain of command.

“There’s nothing really very significant about it. That’s why I told you, these are raw reports, and very insignificant,” Yano said in a television interview, when asked about the alleged recruitment for the new destabilization attempt.

“There are some reports of recruitment going on but what is good about it is that the personnel, the very few of them, have reported such recruitment to the authorities,” Yano said.

“We feel [that] the loyalty of these people being recruited is with the government and the Armed Forces so there is not much worry,” he said.

In visits to troops in the Zamboanga provinces last week, the Army chief cautioned his men against joining coup plots, saying they should never regard themselves as “saviors” or “messiahs.”

On Monday, Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said cases were being built up against four officers, who were reported to have been recruiting soldiers for the alleged fresh coup plot.

The military chief said the recruiters were using corruption controversies in government, including bribery allegations surrounding the $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) project to agitate the troops.


Esperon: Military preparing to file coup raps vs 4 officers

By Joel Guinto

The military is building up a case against four officers who remain under surveillance for allegedly recruiting fellow soldiers for a supposed plot to topple government, the Chief of Staff, General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said Monday.

“We will build a case [against the officers]. We will haul them to court, to [a] general court martial once we get all the evidence. That’s why they are now subject to surveillance,” Esperon told reporters in Camp Crame.

Esperon remain tight-lipped on the identities of the four officers, whom he said all held the rank of lieutenant.

“We will not tell you what units are involved for operational security,” he said.

Esperon corrected his earlier statement that six junior officers had been reassigned on suspicion of recruiting soldiers for a coup plot, saying, “Actually, I said it was close to six.”

The military chief also criticized Maria Flor Querubin, the wife of detained Marine Colonel Ariel Querubin, who is among 28 officers facing court martial for mutiny over the botched February 2006 coup.

Mrs Querubin had said in a television interview that the military leadership was given additional funding each time the chief of staff disclosed an alleged coup plot.

“What’s this? We have intelligence funds to use for such purposes, but not P60 million per report [of destabilization] like what the wife of an officer claimed. I don’t know where she got the P60 million figure,” he said.

“We don’t make up information to get funding,” he said.

Sought for comment on the military chief’s statement, Mrs Querubin said in a text message “Please tell General Esperon to tell that to the Marines.”

Esperon shot back, saying it was coup suspects who were earning from alleged destabilization efforts.

“We know these destabilizers. There are groups that are funding them,” he said, adding, some officers linked to past coups have pledged soldiers for the plot in exchange for money.

Published inMilitary


  1. Esperon is the boss of Yano and Ate Glue is the boss of Esperon, so Ate Glue takes priority of treatment.
    Nostradamus predicted many events and historical leaders but missed to mention Ate Glue. However a few later-day authors visualized her in these quotations:
    “Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them.” – François de la Rochefoucauld
    Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people. — Welsh Proverb
    A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. –George Bernard Shaw
    It is better for [convicts] to die legally than for them to be killed extra-judicially in the streets — Justice Undersecretary Jose Calida, on the re-imposition of the death penalty
    War does not determine who is right – only who is left. ~ Bertrand Russell
    The trouble with her is that she lacks the power of conversation but not the power of speech. ~ George Bernard Shaw
    You’ve got to be honest; if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.~ George Burns
    A verbal contract is not worth the paper it’s written on. ~ Samuel Goldwyn
    I always divide people into two groups. Those who live by what they know to be a lie, and those who live by what they believe, falsely, to be the truth. ~ Christopher Hampton
    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way. –Robert Frost
    Stop telling God what to do. Niels Bohr
    It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so — Will Rogers

  2. Mrivera Mrivera

    kumukontra na ba si yano sa mga halusinasyon ni esPWEron?

    maganda siguro makitang nagsusuntukan ang dalawang ito na parang mga batang nagpapakitang gilas sa kanilang inainahang timang!

  3. Chabeli Chabeli

    It would have sounded better if Yano said that Esperon is “very insignificant”. That would make better sense.

  4. Etnad Etnad

    “Army chief belittles coup reports.”
    Ibahin si Esperon be-big niya galing yong coup plot na yan. Engot talaga buti pa umuwi ka na lang at magtanim ng sibuyas at luya sa mga plot-plot na yan.

  5. pechanco pechanco

    Yano’s statement could be a signal to other AFP officers to start moving for the overthrow of Esperon and the evil GMA government. Sa military kasi may mga senyales na sila lang ang nakakaalam. Sige…umpisahan niyo na!

  6. pechanco pechanco

    Out of topic lang: What’s your opinion about the recent racial slur against Filipino medical profession by the ABS TV program “Desperate Housewives”?

  7. chi chi

    “Raw Intel” pala, e why are these idiots blowing it out of proportions by feeding it to the media?

    The military under Gloria and Asspweron has gone so low that the coups have become ‘paper and mouth coups’!

    Even if these Ass wipes identify the four suspects, still their coup stories will just be a web of tales and lies to perpetuate the Little One in EK! Pero nagpapanik na, kaya ganyan sila.

  8. Ellen, off topic but I think this is relevant.

    From Manolo Quezon:

    grd, ellen is a reputable and conscientious journalist. she does not print what she hasn’t verified through her own research or cross-checking via various sources. people wouldn’t be issuing death threats if she weren’t on to something. neither does she try to hide her sympathies, to which she’s entitled, and disclosure of her sympathies is all she owes her readers.

    she’s a brave woman, does not take payola, and does not lie in her writings.

  9. chi chi

    Re: Nostradamus predicted many events and historical leaders but missed to mention Ate Glue.


    When Nostradamus was about to write predictions about Glue, kinagat siya ng surot, nalimutan tuloy ang isusulat.

  10. chi chi

    Thanks for Manolo Quezon for writing that up in his blog. 99.99% of us are here because we can identify ourselves with Ellen’s “truth and justice” cause.

    Ang masasabi ko, si Ellen ay tunay na tao. Nakasayad sa lupa ang kanyang talampakan. We love you, Ellen.

  11. pechanco pechanco

    Thanks Ellen. Medyo masakit din ang ginawa noong programa. My sister is taking up nursing.

  12. pechanco pechanco

    Sorry, I should write: My sister is already a nurse. It’s my niece who’s taking up nursing.

  13. Desperate Housewives? Isn’t that the title of an American TV Soap?

  14. Only seen it on TV a couple of times (and incomplete pa) and in the UK to boot. Don’t think it’s popular in my part of the world.

  15. pechanco pechanco

    It’s a comedy program. Malacanang cries foul kuno. Ermita is calling on Fil-Ams to gather and protest in the streets. Kung ganyang issue mabilis ang Malacanang…makisawsaw sa issue na hindi sila sabit. Why doesn’t Ermita call them to protest against his fake boss?

  16. Ermita is a military man through and through – he knows that by distracting the population and pointing them to a perceived foreign enemy will help in distracting media’s, people’s, even the legislators’ attention from the very hot NBN scam!

  17. chi chi

    Desperate housewife? Sino ba nag pinag-uusapan dito, si Gloria Arroyo Pidal?! Sori, I don’t watch Soaps!

  18. Anna, that was a spirited and exhausting exchange you had over there in Manolo’s.

  19. chi chi


    Ermita can’t distract me, si Gloria Macapal Arrovo Pidal ang isyu! Even the issue of Desperate Houswives points to Gloria!

    Back to Yano. This guy said that the mentioned “very few” soldiers are still loyal to the chain of command. If so, bakit sila nag-iingay?! They aren’t sure of anything now under their command, that’s why.

  20. Ellen,

    Yep! At the end of the day, there’s nothing much one can do but to fold – fellow commenters at Quezon believe they are cut above commenters at Ellenville. They forget that for whatever it is, Filipinos are all in the same boat, cut above or not.

  21. I got a very long letter from Mrs. Pong Querubin, wife of Col. Ariel Querubin:

    The Commanding General of the Philippine Army, Lt General Alexander Yano himself said that destabilization or coup plot reports were “very insignificant” and still “raw”.

    MGen Dolorfino, Commandant of the Philippine Marines, during an interview with Anthony Taberna, said that there were no recruitments in the Phil. Marines.

    Lt Gen Horacio Tolentino, Commanding General of the Philippine Air Force, also said that there were no recruitments in his unit.

    So there you go… from the three top men of the Phil Army, Phil Marines and Phil Air Force – no recruitment, very insignificant and still raw.

    So now what can Gen Esperon say? His own subordinates disagree with his baseless assertions. This is probably due to his lack of credibility, and incapcity to command the love and respect of his own men.

    Gen Yano and his wife are a God-fearing couple. We admire his simple, dignified and humble family. According to my husband, Gen Yano is a level headed man with his own sets of morals and principles and no General, not even Esperon, can just push him around. We are confident that General Yano will never countenance lies and falsehoods peddled by the opportunists wanting to make a scene and turn themselves into fantastic heroes. Gen Yano will act in accordance to his perception of what is right. That we respect.

    I personally know Gen Tolentino and Gen Dolofino, they, too, are good men. I also do not think they will resort to evil to achieve their pragmatic ends.

  22. Still from Mrs. Querubin:

    Re intelligence budget,here’s what I said: “for every intel report there is an intel operation and for every operation there is a corresponding budget”.

    An example was Oplan Hackle where some insecure members of the AFP created imaginary links between the so called leftists and rightists to destroy the image of my husband, General Lim and the rest to the Filipino people. They obviously did not succeed. Our intel sources privy to the operation gave us the breakdown of funds for such operation. Oplan Hackle was created through the very pensive and imaginative minds of desk officers using computers and fictitious facts rather than clear and solid evidences. Its perpetrators are desperate for attention and recognition from the higher ups, thus, their effort to write fairy tales based on unfounded assumptions.

    The AFP commissioned a group to do its propaganda documentary on the alleged power grab. If you remember, Gen Senga was seen walking in the corridors of his office talking about whatever propoganda story they intended to convey. The documentary was aired on TV stations, and definitely, from its production, distribution and marketing, must have cost something. During a briefing of Oplan Hackle where Gen Allaga was present, he asked Col Segovia, “what is the involvement of Col Querubin?”. Col Segovia said that Col Querubin had no direct involvement. However, Col Querubin was in the intel report because he is one of the officers being looked up to by junior officers.
    According to our intel sources, some members of the AFP have masters degree in doing this kinds of reports to suit their ends.

  23. From Mrs. Querubin:

    Who is the real destabilizer?

    A destabilizer is the one who was involved in the cheating in 2004.

    A destabilizer is the one who robs the people of their choice.

    A destabilizer is the one who tells everyone there is a coup plot when it is still unverified.

  24. Last part of Mrs. Querubin’s letter:

    And with regards to Gen Esperon’s statement that coup suspects were earning from alleged destabilization efforts… I take deep offense in such incredible insinuation and blatant lie. For Esperon’s information, my husband is not like him and never will be. My husband does not CHEAT in elections, does not LIE about intelligence reports and more importantly, does not STEAL our people’s money.

    If Esperon cannot back his claim with judicial facts that my husband earned from whatever, then he better hold his piece. As Chief of Staff, he has no business making any such comments whatsoever. Only a competent court may determine guilt and culpability, definitely not General Esperon. In case he forgets, this is how democracy works. His imprudent remarks are appalling, very telling of his true character.

    Col Querubin’s track record can speak for itself. He is loyal to his constitutional mandate to his country and people. He has the courage to stand up for the truth. For Esperon’s information, my husband was never involved in any anomalous transaction not once in his military career, nor was he party to any cheating operation, nor did he countenance any falsehood or wrongdoing within his command. We may not have wealth or power equal to that of Esperon’s, but at least we are doing our best to keep our souls free from evil.

    Col Querubin is not a power grabber. If only he kept silent and sat on the fence, he would have been general by now. But he chose to fight not with guns and bullets, but with brave words and conviction, for what he believed was right for the Marine Corps, the AFP and the Filipino people. My husband does not espouse violence at all, he has learned that lesson so painfully in the past and paid for it dearly already.

  25. Thanks for sharing the letter of Mrs. Querubin with us, Ellen. Nakakangitngit! All the more reason why we should strive to help set them free.

    Sipain na, now na! There should be a petition submitted to the Commission on Appointments to have this Esperon terminated now for his inhumane treatment of the few good men who have not become and cannot be treated like convicts. He should be investigated too by all means for his major role in the “Hello Garci” cheating for which the unano has well rewarded him.

  26. Mrs Querubin,

    A thousand lives of Esperon’s will not equal your husband’s.

  27. chi chi

    Mrs. Querubin,

    I only have the highest respect for your husband.

    Your letter identified some “few good men” in service you personally knew. Thanks for sharing us your opinion about these men.

  28. we-will-never-learn we-will-never-learn

    I am patiently waiting for the day this Cheat-of-Staff stands before a Senate hearing, alone, for judgement to the answers of questions of his corrupt practices. Not long to wait, it will be soon.

  29. Diego K. Guerrero Diego K. Guerrero

    Dapat mabigyan ng leksyon itong General Problem Assperon. Kung may isyung laban kay Gloriang Putot at bilang may kudeta kuno. Ano ba ito? Kudeta lutong makaw? Kailan ba ang senate hearing tungkol sa Tipo-Tipo fiasco?

  30. we-will-never-learn we-will-never-learn

    Assuming Haemorrhoid Assperon has some intellect or at least some power to think and examine what’s going on around him – surely he sees the collapse of this administration before his very eyes. Abalos has lost his position, Neri is in danger of being held in custody for contempt, Mike Arroyo will soon be summond before the Blue Ribbon Committee then Garci etc. etc.
    If this Senate is not afraid to summons Mike Arroyo before their hearing, what chance does this ass Assperon have when he, with his corrupt practices has been ruffling the feathers of a few Senators by refusing them access to Trillanes. These Senators will make mincemeat of this idiot.

  31. Valdemar Valdemar

    They should not question our doctors. Are they questioning our nurses, too? It seems they know much of Recto.
    Its Esperon who is desperate now on his retiring age. He desperately needs an executive checkup on the head. Diagnosis: paranoid.

  32. AdeBrux, you hit the bull’s eye on Ermita’s tactic of umbrage. The ploy is a classic red herring.
    Ms Querubin, “Col Querubin is not a power grabber. If only he kept silent and sat on the fence, he would have been general by now”. For what it’s worth, be consoled, men of probity are never fence sitters.

  33. gen HERmogenes Asspweron eh di napahiya ka ng sinabi mong may mga coup plotters kasi si mismong gen yano ang nagsabing “VERY INSIGNIFICANT” and “RAW” ang balita. ellen, alam ko kong bakit ganyan ang asal ni kumag kasi HERmogenes is in the advanced stage of SINILITY.

  34. gracia gracia

    Wow! Haba naman ng letter ni Mrs Pong. I am not for Experon or for GMA. I am for their ouster just as much as the military officers in jail right now and majority of the pinoys. But in fairness to Esperon, I heard that the money that was passed around to supposedly help the family of the military officers in the jail was astounding! Of course hindi comparable to ZTE but compared to what the military is getting… grrraaabbeeee… well, guess you are right Pong, it did not come from the pinoys, I mean not taxpayers money, but still can’t blame the military guys for being blinded, their pay is not even able to send their kids to good school let alone to feed the whole family. That is what Espron should start looking at, improve drastically the pay structure of the military and police! gud nite!

  35. Isaac H Isaac H

    Maraming salamat Mrs. Querubin. Isang Querubin nga si Colonel. Hindi ko rin alam ang pangyayaring ito pero ngayon medyo maliwanag na at sa readers here and around the world. Kaya Ellen maraming salamat sa iyo. Malaking tulong ito sa ating bansa. Ellen ito ay suggestion lang. To maintain this blog, gumagastos ka. Baka makatulong kami. Please let us know.

  36. parasabayan parasabayan

    Obviously, just like Abalaos, this asspweron wants to loot more for his retirement. So, he concocts a cocktail of lies. Pong, keep up exposing this creep, the asspweron! You will be more believable than the asspweron’s scripted newscast mouthed by the bakero( bacarro).

    Hindi na nahiya itong asspweron na ito. He is sporting the stolen stars! Stars earned by cheating for the tiyanak. Talagang walang hiya, he thinks that the people will forget that he cheated through and through and sanitized the Mayuga report to absolve his sins. But just so he knows, the whole AFP know that he is as dirty as the tiyanak. They are masters of deception and they know it! Slowly but surely, all their sins to the people are being exposed. Malapit na ang katapusan ninyo ni tiyanak, ass!

  37. Mrivera Mrivera

    bilib kayo ke nostradamus, eh wala namang magandang hinula ‘yun kundi mga pagkawasak at mga delubyo!

    pero tama nga, bakit itong salot na lumulukob sa ating bansa ay hindi niya nagawang hulaan?

    hindi kaya sila magkakutsaba?

  38. atty36252 atty36252

    Mas maganda sana kung ang headline, “Yano belittles Esperon”.

  39. ateneo_blogger ateneo_blogger


    watever tulong natatanggap ng mga pamily is very acceptable kasi di naman galing sa anomalous transaction or was not give for them to commit a crime,nor did it come from ditry sources. i guess the moral aspect of their friends helping them out is unquestionable. for example, kasalanan ba ni querubin pag madami siyang kaibigan na wealthy at willing tumulong? they’ve proven themselves to be true friends by standing by the colonel despite the difficulties of the situation. ganun dapat ang kaibigan, hindi fair weatehr friends. in good times and bad, nanjan. and what in fairness to esperon r u saying? those lies are peddled by people. isipin mo, who would actually spend for ‘losers’ in detention kung tutuusin kung isa lamang oportunista ang nagbibigay? wala diba.. but for all its worth, the friends see the true characters of this people.. and out of their fidelity to morals and what is right, they help them in whatever way. wag mo nang questionin un if ever meron kasi dapat lang meron.

  40. H. Isaac, thanks a lot for the thought but it’s not necessary. Makakayanan ko naman kahit paano. May trabaho naman ako.

  41. pechanco pechanco

    ateneo_loser este blogger pala, how was your game with La Salle? The archers shot down lots of crying eagles uh? Do us a favor would you? Please tell your school to disown Mike Arroyo as an alumnus. He has brought so much shame to your school.

  42. Mrivera Mrivera

    title sa itaas: “Yano belittles Esperon’s tale”

    mali ito. dapat “Yano belittles Esperon’s (front) TAIL”

    sapakan ‘yan, SIGURADO!

  43. pechanco pechanco

    Isaac asked a good question: How is this blog maintained? May gastos ba ang ganitong blog? I understand that anyone can create a discussion group online or blogs like this. And I don’t know there’s expense to it other than one’s computer unit, energy power and time. Pero kung may gastos, yes I’m also willing to help. How is the question.

  44. pechanco pechanco

    I mean “how to help” is the question. Without going into the earnings and assets of Ellen, I’m also wondering how she could sustain her fight against this evil regime by attending the hearings and other activities. Magastos ang biyahe at mga ganyang pagdalo. Again, if there’s anything we bloggers can help, count me in. Maybe we could start a “fund” to help sustain Elle’s fight for justice and truth.

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