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No to cha-cha petition

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

“No to Cha Cha & Yes to Snap Elections”

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself. Please pass on.

Best wishes,

Ellen Tordesillas

Published inGeneral


  1. goldenlion goldenlion

    Yes, ellen I have just visited the site and signed the petition. To all our readers, join now!!! Ibasura ang cha-cha ni gloria.

  2. Tiago Tiago

    One remark, and should be actioned now; there are a lot of people that would like to sign the petition but does not have an email address. There should be an alternate course where they can sign and get heard. Thanks

  3. alitaptap alitaptap

    PIG aka CHA-CHA is a monstrosity of warped governance. There is no compelling reason for PIG – truly becoming of gloria. The real reason for all these hullabaloo is to cover up the election imbroglio by diverting the attention of the people away from the brazen subversion of the will of the electorate that is the heart of democracy itself. It is also a reason for lining up pockets and padding wallets of persons involved in such activity, to the tune of P1.08 billion at the expense of the people. In the face of hunger of the scavengers at payatas and the poverty of the grave dwellers at the city cemeteries, the CHA CHA train is criminal and obscene. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Of course I signed up on that petition.

  4. a of physician specialist had asked
    the Filipino: Both of your feet are
    diseased and you have a choice:
    amputations of both feet or long
    term medication?

    In the first cure, you lose both
    feet, short treatment and convalescence,
    your mobility will be by wheel chair and a
    chance to have prosthetics as replacement
    for your feet. Even with anesthesia
    you will suffer pain, and the rest of
    your life you will be better of. As Franco
    had experienced, there is no guarantee
    that you will not get sick again, in
    other parts of your body.

  5. SORRY IT WAS CUT, but to continue

    As Franco and Kano had experienced, there is no guarantee that you will not get sick again, in other parts of your body.

    one thing sure, a CERTAINTY,
    these bad parts of youR body will be gone,
    FOREVER, never to bother you again.

    The second cure is the most preferable
    by many weak hearted. No surgery, no
    massive blood letting, and you will not
    use a wheel chair, ONLY CRUTCHES, which
    though uncomfortable and constantly painful,
    you will eventually get used to
    the rest of your life. You will undergo
    prolong and may be permanent medication.
    It might even infect both of your arms.
    You will smell bad to the next person
    and even may be to your neighbors but your
    whole body remains intact. If you choose
    these second cure, you may sign these papers.
    And get your free medicines and injection.

    If you choose the first one which is surgery
    and amputation. It’s a bloody process but a
    short one after signing the papers, you will
    be taken to the OR to get it done.

    Instead of answering the Filipino asked
    the doctor: “But what is my disease doctor?”

    The doctor with a frown answered: ” Your both
    feet are corrupt to the bone, the HEALTHY tissues are dying, the bad cells like thieves are eating the good cells, your immune system
    are getting lies for signals, and the neurons
    are giving twisted values to the brain.

  6. Diego K. Guerrero Diego K. Guerrero

    Charter change is only a diversionary tactics to defuse public anger against cheater and congenital liar Gloria Arroyo. This is a reality check to Gloria Resign Movement and its clones. The United States is committed to promoting democracy throughout Asia and the world. Most likely Uncle Sam prefers a democratic transition after the fall of Gloria Arroyo regime.
    There will be no snap election if Vice-President Noli De Castro refuses to resign. We do not expect an automatic De Castro resignation. We don’t know what inside his mind. I think Vice-President Noli de Castro and key allies are not stupid to give way the presidency to the next constitutional successor Senate President Franklin Drilon. They poured millions for the vice-president’s campaign fund in 2004 and so it’s logical they want in return like juicy government contracts or positions. Sometimes political power is evil. What’s the reason behind why politicos run for public office with 100,000 pesos a month salary and spend millions for campaign? Is it prestige-honor or greed? There’s a strong tendency to address personal interests first than national interests. The old sayings: “charity begins at home“. Welcome Kabayan Inc.!
    My point is there’s no such thing as freebies (gratis) in Philippine politics. Patronage system or crony capitalism had been tolerated since Marcos regime. Cory Aquino’s Kamag-anak Inc. replaced Marcos’ cronies after the fall U.S.-Marcos Dictatorship. It was followed by Ramos’ military clique, Erap’s mafia and currently Jose Pidal-Macapal cronies. VP Noli De Castro and political allies have their own personal agenda. He benefited from Hello Garci electoral fraud. Beware of vultures! Probably they want to share the “loot” after the ouster of Gloria Arroyo. Let’s stop the cycle of

  7. ystakei ystakei

    I also signed the petition. No for the Chacha indeed especially when it is initiated by Malacanang, and only for the purpose of retaining the CRIMINAL, who should have been immediately disqualified when found cheating in the election as provided by the law, and who evidently wants to stay at the palace by the murky river permanently even as the first queen of the Philippines after another decree making it as a kingdom with probably Cebu o Angeles City as its capital!

    Filipinos should oppose especially any Constitution and/law barring non-college graduates from seeking position in the Philippines especially when the Philippine government does not provide free education to ALL Filipinos unlike in more progressive societies where education is compulsory and free as the law provides to insure a 100% literacy rate.

    Discriminating against those who have not gone to college not because they do not have the brains to do so but more because they do not have means to even finish elementary school will only result to more graft and corruptions with the same vested interests especially those belonging to families that have dominated Philippine politics.

    Filipinos should not be duped into believing for example that Miriam Santiago’s motive is sincere in having a law passed barring non-college graduate from seeking government positions even when most of the times those who have learned their lessons through the years of hard life have more wisdom than those who have gone to college or graduate schools as in the case of the vain and ambitious psychopath-criminal now leading the Philippines to perdition!

  8. florry florry

    Ellen, nag-sign na rin ako sa NO to cha cha.

  9. anna de brux anna de brux


    May I add that if by having a college education will mean ending up like Miriam, what good will a would-be politician with a college education be for the people? No good at all!

    I know many people who didn’t have a college education but are far more sensible and honorable than Miriam ever was and ever will be.

    College education is not the ultimate gauge of one’s intelligence, least of all, his honor. I accept that a higher education helps a person improve his understanding of life towards a better relationship with the rest of society but common sense with a good heart are just as as helpful to achieve those aims.

  10. ELLEN,




  11. Thanks. Please pass on the petition to friends.

    Tiago, I’ll post your comment/suggestion in the Black& White blogsite.

  12. Ellen, thank you for spreading the word! Thanks, too, to all those who have signed up so far. You all may have noticed that in the past few days, the calls for the repudiation of PIG have been growing, the most recent coming from the Senators and CBCP. Truly, humongous patience is needed in this fight, the going is slow, but the momentum is building. Yun nga lang, some crazy people have signed up just to make gulo on the site – Enteng is working to see how their entries can be removed to keep the count as true as possible.

    We have been working with our members in the urban sectors as well, they will be going around their communities to collect stories from those who were coerced or bribed into signing the PIG, and affidavits will be collected via our legal team and IBP.

    Tiago, thank you for your insight. Enteng and I have been thinking on how to circulate a petition sheet much like the one we posted on our website re Gloria’s resignation. One quick way would be to design one that those of us with internet access can download, print and disseminate. As you know, petitions like these that have to be spread nationwide can be really expensive, and money is what we don’t have. Will see if we can afford to print one as a newspaper ad sa tabloid so people can cut it out and use, at least that one expense can spread the word fast. Just an idea. If you’ve better ideas, please feel free to comment here or on our blog (sorry for shameless plug, Ellen!)

  13. Hi Ellen!!

    I would just like to agree with your post that we should not allow Charter Change under PGMA. Charter Change is good if it’s legal and not with GLORIA. She tends to influence the outcome of the process and not making it run by itself.

    By the way, if you want to sign the GLORIA RESIGN Online Petition, which is an initiative of my blog (, you can visit and sign the petition. I am targeting 25,000 people to sign it if possible. I hope that a lot of people will join our crusade to let PGMA resign for the sake of the nation’s unity.

    Remember, that’s

    Thanks a lot ELLEN TORDESILLAS!!! P.S. I love ur column!

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